Chapter 47

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Chapter 47:

Niall's POV

"Is it bad if I'm this nervous?"

"No, mate, I felt the exact same way honestly." Liam answers across the phone. I bite my lip out of habit. Why do I feel like I'm going to throw up right now? This shouldn't be as big of a deal as I'm making it. I'm pretty sure that she's going to say yes, so I should stop whatever I'm doing.

I say my goodbyes to Liam and stick my phone back in my pocket without the ring in it. I double check that the small velvet box is still there, which it is, and then leave our shared bedroom to see if Des is ready to go. I decided on surprising her with a private "concert" by Ed at this gazebo area in a nearby park that we usually bring James to. I didn't want to do anything too over the top because I know she doesn't like those kinds of things.

"You ready babe?" I ask her when I find her sitting in the living room on her phone.

She nods and picks up her black TOMS, putting them on. I told her to dress casually because she thinks we're going over to Louis' house to have some drinks with him and Harry. I still think she looks sexy in just some light wash denim jeans and a grey crop top with her hair curled nicely. She could literally wear anything and she'd still look fit quite honestly.

I wait patiently for her in the entryway, smiling at how she sticks her tongue out the slightest as she ties her shoes. She walks over to me and gives me a confused look before exiting the house and hopping into my car on the passengers side. I get in as well after locking the house and then we're off.

After about five minutes, she knows that something is up when I take a wrong turn away from the pretend destination.

"Where are you going?" She asks me, smiling in confusion.

I shrug because if I say anything, I'd be a stuttering mess and she'd know what's going on from my sudden nervousness.

I'm glad that she keeps quiet and doesn't question where I'm driving to. That makes this a lot easier for me to clear my head and go over what I'm going to say to her when I do it.

It's growing dark out and the sun is almost finished setting when we reach the park. When I turn the car off, Des is really confused as to why we're here and not at the "Larry flat".

Before she can speak, I take a deep breath and smile sweetly at her, "Follow me?"

She rolls her eyes playfully but obliges, taking my hand as I lead her towards the small gazebo area where Ed is waiting for us. The evening is absolutely beautiful and the air smells fresh and clean. I stare at my shoes as we walk over the somewhat damp grass. My palms are growing sweaty as we step closer and closer and I'm hoping that she doesn't notice.

Just breathe, Niall. She won't say no, you just can't screw up your words.

"Okay, seriously," she begins when she sees the dimly lit, by fairy lights, area with flowers all around the circumference of the floor of the wooden roofed area. Ed is leaning against a pole with his guitar plucking something sweet. "What the hell are you up to, Horan?"

I nod at Ed and he smirks and begins playing a song I requested him to play at first. "Just dance with me?" I hold out my hands to her. She instantly recognizes the song of course because of how much she adores Ed, and grins brightly.

Settle down with me
Cover me up
Cuddle me in
Lie down with me
And hold me in your arms

I hold Destiny close to me with my hands on her hips and hers around my shoulders. We sway softly to the strumming of the guitar. We fit perfectly against each other and her touch makes my skin tingle with delight.

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