Chapter 22

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Chapter 22:

Destiny's POV.

Let's just say that I'm more careful when I'm home.
The boys were laughing for five minutes straight when they saw me.
I've never been more humiliated in my life.

Anyways, I'm driving to my new school with Liam right now. I was upset that I have to leave my family, our goodbyes weren't the easiest either.
No one cried, but it was just sad because I won't be living with them for a while.
This stupid school is a year-round school and we only get the month of August as our 'summer vacation'. But Liam did say that if I did good and caught up with my grade level, he would put me in a public school.

We finally pulled up into a parking lot in front of this school out in the middle of nowhere.
I got out of the car and grabbed my suitcases from the boot, Liam grabbing two as well, and we walked into the very large and beautiful building.

The nature around this school was quite pleasant. The air was clean and crisp and bright flowers bloomed in the front of the school.

We walked inside the main building and were instantly greeted by my administrative advisor, I think, whose name was Hannah Linnel. I was supposed to call her Mrs. Linnel of course.

She was a younger woman, around her thirties. She had long blonde hair and soft hazel eyes, and she seemed more laid back than most advisors.

She handed me my class schedule, my room key, a pamphlet about the school, and a map so I could find my way around.

Dad asked if he could come and help me unpack, which he happily agreed to doing.
Since I do have a roommate, we would be alone doing so because everyone was already in class.

We said our goodbyes to Mrs. Linnel and walked across the campus to get to the dorms.
To get there, you have to walk through a nice garden area and down a stone path. I thought that it was absolutely stunning, most likely because spring is my favorite season.

We entered the dorm building which was quite large. The girls' dorms were on one side and the boys' dorms on the other, which made us completely segregated.
I was actually glad that we were all separated.

My dorm was on the second floor, room eight. So we walked up some stairs and came down a hallway with hardwood floors that were neatly polished.
We found my room and I unlocked the door, smiling up at my dad.
I opened it and entered, hoping that my roommate was not a slob. I let out the breath I had no idea I was holding when I saw that the one side of the room, which was hers, was neatly organized with only a few papers floating around on her desk.

The walls were white and the floor a dark wood. She had a purple bed set, a glass desk, a spiny chair, a small dresser, and a small closet on her side. My side was the same, except my bed sheets were white.

She also had some posters up on her side of the room. I got a closer look and them and laughed.
"Hey dad, it's you!"

He looked up at them as well, laughing to himself because the photo was so old.
It was back when he had his curly hair and wore plaid all the time!

"Now help me unpack." I told him as I unzipped my large suitcase and started pulling clothing out.


We had just finished unpacking my things and I flopped down on my twin sized bed.
I felt like sleeping even though it was only two in the afternoon.

Liam chuckled at my laziness and sat down next to me, playing with my hair.

"You know, the one thing I will always dislike about this place is that there's public showers." I noted to him and he laughed at my bluntness.

"The only thing I will dislike about this place is that I can only come and see you on weekends." He pouted and I poked at his cheeks.

I was about to open my mouth to say something more, but was interrupted my the doorknob rattling and a girl entering the room.

Ah, my roommate.

I instantly got up to greet her at the door.

"Hi there! I'm Destiny, your new roommate." I said as she closed the door behind her.
I stuck my hand out for her to shake and she politely took it.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Rachel."

Her smile seemed to light up her whole face. Her dark brown eyes sparkled and her dimples showed. Also, her red hair was long and slightly curled. She was about as tall as me, but thats surprising because than I'm only about 5'3".

She suddenly froze and her eyes looked behind me to where Liam was sitting on my bed, looking at his phone.

"Is that...?" she trailed off and her eyes widened.
I nodded my head, and chuckled in amusement.

I led her over to where my dad was sitting and introduced them. "Dad, this is Rachel, my roommate. Rachel, this is my dad, Liam Payne."

Liam pulled her in for a hug and said, "It's nice to meet you Rachel."
She simply smiled and nodded, looking as star struck as ever.

Their embrace ended and my dad looked at the ground and frowned. He looked back up at me with sad eyes and began to speak, "I guess I should go now." I pulled him into a hug and held onto him for as long as possible.
"Love you Dessie." He said to me.

I took a deep breath and smiled at him before doing of the unspoken, for me at least. His face brightened as he heard this, his eyes lighting up with happiness.

"Love you too dad."



She finally said it

Sorry that updating is slow, I've been busy

Very very busy

And I'm sick soooooo yeah

Merry Christmas!

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