Chapter 32

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I am so obsessed with Fall Out Boy's album American Beauty/American Psycho


Chapter 32:

Niall's POV

I'm so proud of Destiny and her friends. I could tell that they were going to win because of all of the votes they got from the crowd. The voting thing had all of these boxes with the bands' names on them so you would vote once after the whole show for your favorite artist. They said the votes would be counted and the bands would show up tomorrow morning to get the results. Massive amounts of people were lined up at their band's box to vote, but I couldn't vote because I was literally mobbed by fans.

I did manage to crawl out and run to the dorms, but felt stupid when I was trying to open Des's door without her room key.

So I just decided to go to the food court, I mean, why not? Eating is healthy and everyone should do it. I also met some way nicer fans that didn't mob me and took some fun pictures with them.

As I was eating a slice of pepperoni pizza, I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket where I was sitting on a plastic chair at a table that was only crowded on one side, so being the loner I am I sat on the other side.

As I pulled it out of my pocket, Des's photo appeared on my screen from her calling me. I smiled fondly at the picture of us two pulling goofy faces. Me doing the subtle duck face and leave sign, and her going for the graceful double chin and ugly smile look.

"Hi there!" I answered. The people on the other side of the table briefly looked at me because of how loud my voice was, but then went back to their conversation.

"Come to my dorm, right now." By the tone in her voice, I could tell she was frustrated and sort of distressed.

I furrowed my brow in confusion and worriedly made my way over to the exit and towards the dorm building as fast as possible. Something most definitely is wrong.

"What happened?" I asked in a concerned manner as I neared the dorm building.

She sighed and when she spoke it almost sounded like she was about to cry. "Niall, just hurry please."
And hurry I did, not knowing what was wrong or how I could fix it, but I knew that she needed help as soon as possible.

I got some funny looks from bystanders as I practically ran down the hall to Destiny's room, but I didn't think much of it. I finally slowed to a stop, sort of panting from my lack of staying in fit, and was confused at why her dorm room door was open.

I heard a murmuring of voices that I didn't recognize as Des from the room, so being the smart person, I walked in and my eyes widened at the scene. It was looked like someone had a party in there with like wildebeests of something. It was completely trashed. Des was standing in the midst of it, still sort of in shock, with a police officer that was stationed on the campus. The stout man kept assuring her that they would fix this and that everything was going to be all right. I don't think either of them noticed me come in, so I cleared my throat awkwardly as I walked over to Des's side. Both of their heads snapped towards me, Des looking relieved as ever and completely melted into my side when I reached her. The officer stuck out his hand to shake, which I did (I'm not rude), as he introduced himself.

"I'm Officer Wayne, and I'm guessing you're the boyfriend she mentioned," he grinned at how Des was so happy to see me and the affection she showed towards me.

I smiled down at her as well whilst speaking, "Yeah, I'm Niall."

The officer sighed, glancing around the room slightly, "So Ms. Payne, once we have cleared your room we will contact the school and they will let you know when it is ready. They will let your roommate know as well. We are very sorry for this inconvenience and hope to catch the culprit soon." He sounded sort of bored like he wasn't actually sorry, but I'm guessing this happens a lot so he's just tired of it.

Infinity and Beyond (n.h)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora