Chapter 2:

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Chapter 2:

She slammed the door to her office closed and locked the door.

I've been through this process many times before so I already knew what to do.

I was standing up in the middle of the room and holding my arms up against the metal pole so she could tie my wrists to it.

Yeah this isn't really an 'office' she just calls it that to not raise suspicions.

Plus this chick is cray cray.

"Now this will hurt just a little." she tells me while tying my wrists to the pole.

She laughs evilly before I hear her pick up the belt.

"Five times for being late and two for wearing those disgusting clothes." She says coldly.

Seven whips with the 'wet noodle'.

Before I knew it, I felt a sharp pain go up my spine.


I gritted my teeth at the next few strikes.

Two three four

I tried not to scream out in pain as I felt a warm liquid sliding down my back.

Five six

Finally, I screamed out in pain. For this was the worst strikes of all.


I was breathing heavily as she untied my wrists.

A/N: I am sorry if that was disgusting. I almost gagged a little when I was writing it.

As soon as they were, I bolted to my room where I knew Alexa and Kyle were waiting.

When I reached my room, I closed the door behind me and Kyle was quickly at my side.

He helped me lay down on my bed on my stomach and Alexa started to treat my wounds.

You see, it's been like this ever since I've gotten here.
Break the rules, get whipped, and they treat me.

"How many this time?" Kyle asked.

"Seven." I said through gritted teeth.

Even though I'm used to the pain, it still hurts.

"Well, I don't think that you're gonna have to go through this anymore." Alexa stated.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"Adopting day is tomorrow." she said.

I'm probably gonna have to go through this more.

Just alone.

"Now you should get some rest." Kyle said before walking towards the door with Alexa.

"Thank you. Good night." I told them before they left.

Luckily, I don't share a room with anyone.

Now lets hope for the best tomorrow.


*Next Day*

I was now standing in a line with all of the other girls.
From oldest to youngest.

I was standing at the right side of the line since I was the oldest.

I fumbled with the hem of my skirt while waiting anxiously for the first couples of people to approach me.

Today I decided to actually wear my uniform. Mostly because I didn't want to stick out and be noticeable.

Many couples haven't even made it to my end of the line because all of the younger girls are so cute.

Nobody wants a 16 year old.

But I can't leave this dump until I'm 18.

Why is life so difficult?

I think I've been standing here for well over an hour.

My feet are killing me.

There's only like 7 girls left and we started with 20.

It's just me, and some other random 10 year olds.

Yup, Alexa left.

I'm not sure about the boys though.
Kyle probably left already too.

I guess it's just me, Elijah, and my guitar.

My hope is now vanishing at the sight of the witch saying goodbye to the last couples.

Adoption day is only once a year.

And I am not staying here for another year.

But, just before the witch is about to close the doors, indicating that adoption day is over, a teenage boy it looks like runs in with his girlfriend I guess.

But they look so young.

Eh, as long as I can get out of here.

The witch looks annoyed at the couple as she talks to them.

Now the boy is pointing at me and saying something.

Does he? Is he?

"Destiny, come here please." The witch speaks.

I quickly make my way over to them and begin eyeing the couple.

The boy looks about 20, has lighter brown hair with a little quiff, soft brown eyes, and a bit of stubble.

The girl looks about his age with long, dark brown hair, with chocolate brown eyes. She's actually quite beautiful if I do say so myself.

A/N: Take a guess at who it is. I dare you

"Destiny, this lovely couple would like to adopt you. So I'm going to go and get the paperwork while you three get to know each other a little bit."

She walked off and left me here with them.

Awkward silence is always weird.

"Hi Destiny, I'm Liam and this is Danielle or Dani. But you can call us dad and mum because that's what we are now I guess." The boy said.

Liam, what a lovely name.

I stared at them blankly.

"How old are you two?" I asked.

They laughed. "We're both 20." Dani replied.

A/N: DON'T HATE ME! I know Dani isn't 20! And neither is Liam but this takes place last year. I just thought it would make more sense if she was younger. PLUS I don't hate Sophiam!! I just wanted Dani in this story instead.


Young love I tell you.

We stood there awkwardly in silence before the witch came back.

"Destiny, how about you go and pack your things, we'll be filling out paperwork and meet you back here when we're done." The witch spoke.

I nodded and started to walk towards my room.

This is going to be an interesting new start to my life.

Authors Note:

Hola believers

There was a lot of A/N's in this chappie so ima keep it short

Btw I'm doing this on my phone sooo lots of typos

My dearest apology

Vote comment fan whatever

Te amo

Hehe I know Spanish


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