Chapter 6:

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Chapter 6:

"WAKE UP PRINCESS!!!! TIME TO GO SHOPPING!!!" someone screamed in my ear.

What the...

I sat up and looked at Dani, Eleanor, and Perrie who were doubled over, laughing.

I'll get them for this.

"Now go and shower stinky poo!" Dani said to me while throwing some clothing at me.

I groaned and got up to go to my bathroom and shower.

You know what? Telling the details of a shower is kinda boring and stuff so I'm gonna skip this part.

*After showering and getting ready*

We all walked downstairs to see all the boys sitting there watching tv.

They all must've gotten out of bed because they all were shirtless and had cute little messed up hair and tired looking faces.

My father has a six pack?

Apparantly all of them do.

I still can't belive Zayn is taken.

He would make a nice boyfriend.

Niall is just... HOOOOTTTTT!!!!

Especially without a shirt on.

"Alright boys, we're off." Eleanor said while ruffling Louis' hair.

"Bye dad." I said to Liam, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye love." he answered.

The four of us left the house and got into Perrie's car I assume.

Dani squealed, "This is gonna be so much fun!"

I'm not gonna bore you with shopping details.

*After shopping, entering the house*

We were all laughing at Perrie's stupid joke.

I completely forgot what it was even.

I opened the door to see all the boys in yet another prank war.

But instead there was tomato sauce all over the place.

And not a boy in sight.


We all casually walked around the mess and up to my room.



Is all that yelling coming from my room?

Crap, they better not break anything.

I dropped the bags I was carrying and sprinted up the last few steps and to my room.

Oh my...

I'm trying to not laugh now.

Liam was holding Niall's arms up, Louis was holding his legs, Harry was holding a shoe with pasta sauce on it above his head like he was gonna throw it at Niall, and Zayn was just standing there looking very amused. Plus they were all covered in pasta sauce.

"What is going on?" I asked, trying not to laugh.

Niall pointed at Liam, Liam pointed at Niall, Louis pointed at Harry, Harry pointed at Zayn, and Zayn pointed at Louis.

"He did it." they all said in unison.

I shook my head at their stupidity.

"Will one of you just tell us what happened?" Eleanor asked them.

I just noticed that they're right next to me.

I must be blind.

"I'll do the honors of that." Louis stated. "It all started when Liam had the bright idea of making spaghetti for lunch, and while Liam was cooking it, Niall got the pasta sauce out and accidentally spilled some on Harry's shoe," he said gesturing to Harry, "Harry started getting all worked up and Zayn tried to calm him down, then he and Harry had a tug of war match with the shoe and somehow it ended up in the pasta, I was the one who got it out and tossed it to Harry, I guess I'm very bad at throwing because I hit Zayn in the head, then it turned into a war with the pasta sauce, then Liam burned the spaghetti and Niall was very angry so he chased us all the way up here and almost killed Liam." he finished.

That was one heck of a story.

"Cool story bro, now could you please do me a favor and get out?" I asked sweetly.

They raised their hands up in defense as they left.

"Do you want us to help put your stuff away? Or..." Dani said.

"No, I'm fine. I kind of just wanna take a nap anyways." I told them.

They left my stuff by my door and went back downstairs.

Ah peace and quiet.

I laid down on my bed with my hands behind my head.

That rhymed :)

I'm gonna just lay here and relax and-

I was cut of by my phone dinging. Like a lot.

What the heck?

I grabbed my phone from my bedside table.

3,547 Twitter notifications?!

I opened the app to see people tweeting about me and all these pictures of us at the mall.

Why is everyone making a big deal?

As my followers kept going up, I went on all of the girls Twitters to see that they had thousands even millions of followers!

Is someone famous or something?

I checked the boys Twitters too.

Millions of followers as well.

I'm very confused at the moment.

I started to look at Liam's old tweets.

Wait... are they?

No they can't be.

But they could be.

I think my family is One Direction.



Destiny is kinda stupid for not figuring this out yet

I like time to fly by quickly too so that's why I don't like droning on about taking showers and shopping

Also because I'm a tad bit lazy

Just a tad

Comment vote fan whatever


Stay bootiful my believers


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