Chapter 27

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I have this song stuck in my Head

Now I can get it stuck in yours

Listen to it

Continue :)

Chapter 27:

Destiny's POV

The rest of the week dragged on and I was completely exhausted by the time Friday rolled around.
High school is harder than it looks.

Plus, I'm not that great in the smarts field so Selena has decided to tutor me.
And let me tell you that she is literally the smartest person I've met.

On the bright side, I've met new people. Most if them being Selena's friends, but I have met a few of my own.

I joined the choir, jazz band, marching band, and the classical band which made me meet a lot more people with a passion for music.
Also, I joined the drama club, the bands club, the glee club, and the football team.
The drama club is acting of course, but I'm a crew worker because of my horrible stage fright. The bands club is just a whole bunch of punk kids who love the guitar, drums, and singing as much as I do.
Yes we have a glee club. YAY.
And the football team just needed an extra player so might as well join. It seems kind of fun as well. I mostly joined so I could just stay in shape.

I've learned to love my American History class I'm taking this semester. Our teacher is great too, it's as if he experienced what happened to America.
At least that's how Mr. Thomas describes himself.

As of right now, the first classes of the day went by in a blur and I'm eating lunch with some of my new friends.
There's six of us and we all are involved in most of the music stuff.

There's Selena, of course, and I learned that she plays the piano and the flute. She's also in the drama club and choir.

After that is Ethan who is a "punk" who has piercings and midnight blue hair that's usually in a quiff. He's really sweet though and loves the acoustic guitar and the the drums. He's in the bands club with me. He can sing as well.

Then there's Zach who is Ethan's friend. He has his ears pierced, but didn't dye his sandy brown hair that swoops to the side. He plays the piano and could pretty much pick up any instrument out there. He's also in the drama club and bands club.

Next is Haley who I met in the football club. She's really friendly and has short blonde hair. But she couldn't play a musical instrument to save her life, besides her voice. She's also the head of the glee club which is pretty sweet.

After that is Kyle who is in every club I am besides the football club. He has dark brown hair that is quiffed and cute dimples. He's the jokester and loves a laugh. He plays the clarinet and guitar.

Finally, there's just plain old me in our small 'squad' if you would like to call it that.
We've all become pretty good friends in the past two days and I think it'll stay that way for a while.

"What about you Des?" Zach's voice snapped me out of my thinking trance.
I looked up towards him and frowned a bit, "Pardon?"

He rolled his eyes and smiled at me. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

Everyone's eyes were focused on me now, giving me everyone's attention.
I'm usually a listener type of person.

I smiled at the thought of Niall being my boyfriend and played with the ring on my finger underneath the table.
"Yeah, his name is Niall."

Selena decided to explain to them more about how famous he is. Thanks Selena.

"He's not just anyone, he's the Niall Horan. You know, from that pop band One Direction? The one that's always on the radio?" she explained to everyone.

I mentally faced palmed myself.
Can't I just be a normal human being for once?

Ethan nodded and snapped his fingers. "Didn't they win that Brit Award last year?"
I nodded to him and looked down at the food on my place with a grin on my face.

Oh wait, Niall's coming over today with the lads.

"He's coming over today after school too." I mumbled to my friends, looking up at them for a brief moment.

"You better introduce us then!" Kyle shouted at me with a smile lighting up his visage.

Let's just say that Kyle just swings the other way if you know what I mean.
Ah I love him anyways.

"Don't worry," I smiled up at them. "I will." And if on cue, the bell rang which made us get up from our seats and go to class.

I have history with Haley now and I'm actually not dreading the fact that I get to learn now.
I'm dreading my friends meeting my whole family tonight.


My squad and I are all sitting in my dorm room now, just making music happen pretty much.

I have no idea where Rachel is, I texted her earlier but she didn't respond and she read it.

Oh well.

Niall and the others are supposed to be here soon and I'm kind of nervous.
I have no idea why though.

"Won't you please stop loving me to death." Haley sang the last bit of 5sos Voodoo Doll as Kyle, Ethan, and I played the guitar to it. Zach tapped out the drum bit on the back of my desk chair he was sitting on and Selena and Haley sang with Ethan as a harmony voice.

We all cheered as we finished and gave each other high fives.

As soon as the cheering died down, someone knocked at the door and my smile faded as soon as Haley got up and screamed "Ill get it!" as she opened up the door.

I heard a deep British voice ask her if this was the right room and I hurriedly rushed over to the door to rescue Harry from the awkwardness.
I smiled and hugged him briefly before noticing that the other lads were standing behind him.

"How about we continue this outside at the gazebo?" I pushed my family out towards the hallway and towards the exit and motioned my five other friends to follow me.

They all brought their guitars, including mine, and started acting like spies as they followed me towards the outdoor gazebo.

I ran my hand through my hair.

This shall be interesting.


What do you think of her friends?

I like Ethan the best probably

Comment more personality traits for your favourite character

Thanks xx

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