Chapter 38

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Chapter 38: 

Destiny's POV

Right now I am sitting on my bed and leaning up against the wall with a piano keyboard on my lap and am just making up some melodies and whatever. It's around nine o'clock I think, and I'm finally in my dorm room. Rachel isn't here surprisingly, but I'm glad that she isn't. I didn't bother trying to contact Zach, Haley, or any of them because I doubt that they're here yet and it would be really weird if we got back together again and we were without Selena. 

Anyways, the trek to get here was fine. I called a cab and got here within a few hours; however, getting out of the house was another story. 

I had only packed a suitcase full of clothes and other necessities and was dragging it down the stairs whilst trying to be quiet because everyone else was watching a football game on the telly in the living room. The volume was up pretty loud, so I guessed that they would be too engrossed in the game to even notice me. 

Unfortunately, when I reached the end of the staircase Liam came out of the kitchen holding a can of beer at the same time. The living room is right across from the kitchen and the door adjacent to the kitchen which meant that I was in the way of Liam getting to the living room. 

I literally froze in my tracks and stood there like a deer in headlights. He stared back as well, he looked sympathetic for me, but sort of disappointed at the same time. He coughed awkwardly and I felt guilt in the pit of my stomach making me want to throw up. 

"Where are you off to?" he asks me in a low voice.

I focused my gaze on my shoes, "I was just leaving to go back to uni, my cab is waiting for me."

He nodded and I suddenly notice that the volume of the telly was turned down and I felt several pairs of eyes burning into the back of my skull. I didn't dare turn around. 

"I better get going then," I said before hurrying off to the front door. I opened it and looked at the couch where everyone else must've been sitting as I spoke to Liam. The first person I saw looking back at me is Niall himself. Of course. 

I sighed and looked away before I exited the house and closed the door behind me. 

And that's how I ended up here with even more grief sitting in my chest than before leaving. 

I have no idea where Rachel is either. She's probably sleeping over at a friends dorm or hooking up with someone for all I know. She's lucky that she doesn't have an anonymous person breathing down her neck all the time. 

Anyways, I honestly have no idea what I'm going to do before school starts, which is the last week of August. Maybe I can just stay in my room and mope for a week. I guess I do have to shower and eat every so often, but all I want to do is watch Teen Wolf on Netflix. Oh, Dylan O'Brien, why do you have to be so irresistible?

The door suddenly bursts open and I jump in my bed and accidentally bang on my keyboard, creating a very unpleasant sound. I look over to see Rachel with a boy attached to her lips. He's fairly tall with a haircut much like Zayn's when they were in Japan, the same hair color too. 

They jump at the sound of my piano as well, but I'm shocked to see the familiar face who is with her. It's Zach. He dyed his hair? He has a lip piercing now too. Why did he dye his hair? I loved his sandy blonde hair, but his black hair makes his pale blue eyes pop. He looks skinnier too, as if he hasn't eaten in a week. 

The three of us just look at each other for a minute, not saying anything and letting the tension build in the room. I don't think Zach knows that I was Rachel's roommate, nor does Rachel know that I'm friends with Zach. 

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