A low thrum of a machine whirring was heard, and it was only a few seconds later did it hit me full force.

My back arched off the table as my mouth opened into a raw, piercing scream. Pulling at the arm restraints, I thrashed around, not caring that I was damaging my body as I tried to get as far away from the table as possible.

"FUCK!" I yelled out, the agony bringing flashes of white to my vision as black and white spots danced in the corner of my eyes.

And then, the pain stopped.

Sagging in relief, I panted, tears streaming down my eyes to my hair.

"Any words?" the man asked Samantha, and I barely had the energy to look at my sister?

Again, Samantha stayed silent, her head shaking from side to side as tears rolled down her cheeks.

What was so important that she wouldn't tell him? He was torturing me!

"Oh no?" the man pouted, "Ah well, more fun for me than."

And torment burst through my body as my mouth opened into a silent scream. My yells of agony bounced around the room as I continued fighting. My arms and legs kicked out uselessly and sweat beaded onto my forehead.

Water still flowed down to my hair, and more black spots danced in my vision.

'Are you okay?' the voice asked soothingly.

'What do you think?' I snarked back, before I whimpered at the pain again.

Again, the man turned the machine off, asking Samantha the same question.

'We told you that your family won't save you.' the voice hissed.


'See? We were right.' it growled, 'And you won't be getting our help now.'

With that, its presence pulled away, but for once, I refused to let it go.

'No!' I yelled in my head, 'Please, I don't want pain.'

'It's not our problem anymore.' the voice said stiffly, but there was a hint of eagerness in its tone.

'No, please? Please take the pain away like last time.' I literally begged, and the voice hummed thoughtfully.

'What do we get from helping you? We helped you for free last time, but you didn't appreciate it.' it said, and distantly, I heard the man walking back towards me.

I scrambled to get something to bargain with the voices, but finding nothing, I let my own thoughts blurt out anything it wanted.

'Anything.' I stated.


'Anything.' I repeated more firmly, just as the man reached towards us. 'Please.'

'As you wish.'

Right as the voice said that, the man turned back on the stupid machine, but I didn't feel the torture. Not one ounce of pain.

Sure, my body still arched off the metal table, but I didn't feel it. It was as if the voices blocked it all out for me.

'Thank you,' I murmured gratefully.

'No problem, but remember. You did say anything.' it said, and I felt myself slip into the deep abyss of darkness.

I should've known that Samantha would never save me. I was stupid to believe otherwise.

Family Comes FirstTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon