12.1 | Forever yours

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To keep things quiet, they've had to tread incredibly carefully, issuing non-disclosure agreements and social media embargoes to the venue and all the suppliers, and even to each of the guests, too. It hadn't felt enormously romantic, but, pragmatically, it was entirely necessary.

Time will tell if they manage to stay under the radar, but they're certainly enjoying the road trip so far.

They've goofed around, chatting, singing and dancing in their seats; generally feeling excitable and full of beans. Hmm, whatever for?

Making the most of their shadowy, enclosed carriage, things get a little frisky.

When Harry gets out to swap with Eloise, he promptly tugs her straight back on to his lap in the passenger seat, and they spend the rest of the journey shamelessly making out like lovesick teenagers at the back of a darkened cinema.


After driving three hours through France, they swap again after a quick break at a service station.

By the time Eloise returns from the toilets, grumbling about having had to pop a squat and piss in a hole in the ground, Harry's already back in the driving seat.

Sneakily, he surprises her with a small detour, south of Reims, via Épernay, to stock up on some cases of champagne at Moët & Chandon. He'd called ahead to order her favourite - the Dom Perignon demi-sec.

After managing to shoehorn them into the already full-to-bursting car, it's another five hours, via Dijon, before they cross the border, before Lyon, into Switzerland.

When Eloise pulls into the Four Seasons hotel on the banks of Lake Geneva, it's after 11pm.

It's further into the city centre than intended, but they'd been swayed by the promise of 24/7 security patrols in the underground car park.

They both swan-dive into the plush feather duvet and promptly fall asleep before they can even undress.


17th September 2019

Having snatched a short yet far comfier sleep than either would have managed in the car had they driven through the night, Harry eventually manages to rouse Eloise - with gentle hands, whispered words, and the promise of breakfast already on its way.

After indulging in a quick but enjoyable picnic, sprawled on the super king bed in bathrobes, they weave an efficient dance around each other to quickly shower and get ready.

Equally caffeinated and fuelled up, they're back on the road before 5.15am.

It's an impressive start, but they'll still be cutting it a little fine, and hope the traffic gods shine down on them.

They have a ten-hour drive ahead of them, and an appointment they can't afford to miss.

No pressure.


Climbing over the Alps and past Chamonix - they realise they've never skied together and resolve to rectify that over the winter - the long and pin-straight Tunnel du Mont-Blanc spits them out into Italy.

Dropping down from the mountains, they hit Milan by 9.30am.

After another quick break, and with Eloise now behind the wheel, they take in Parma and Bologna before arriving in Florence, bang on 1pm.

Despite making good progress, they only have time for a quick stop to grab a pizza for lunch, with Harry then fussing all the while over greasy fingers and the buttery soft leather of his new Range Rover.

It's You [H.S.]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz