7.7 | Adore you

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28th February 2017

Things have been busier than expected since they flew back in early January.

Eloise has been filming in various locations around LA. After a boost in funding for the film, they had extra performance shoot days scheduled, which meant extra rehearsal time too.

Harry has had band rehearsals of his own, plus photoshoots and interviews, and meetings galore too, prepping marketing and promotion plans ahead of the single and album launches in the Spring.

But with some careful planning, they have synced up their schedules as much as possible. Enough at least to crawl into bed next to each other every night, and also managed to carve out time to make the most of his twenty-third birthday and then again for Valentine's Day too.

So they're busy, but together; happy and settled, feeling content and more loved up than ever.

There's a palpable energy between and around them. Like they're on the cusp of something big and formative.


Immediately after his birthday party, he'd spent a whole day with the Cameron Crowe for his extended one-on-one interview for his Rolling Stone magazine April cover feature.

He'd shaken off the niggling tequila-induced headache still tickling his temples, and driven him around LA, listening to music and chatting about anything and everything. They'd first headed to Beachwood Canyon, to listen to some tracks from the album with the guys at Jeff Bhasker's studio; then gone to Laurel Canyon for lunch; then stopped by Ben's office at Television City; and finally headed back down the PCH to the beach for an early sushi dinner.

It had taken a while to dial down the alarm bells sounding in his hazy brain ('Journalist! Media! Fishing! Shit!'), and relax enough to loosen up and just chat shit and listen to great music with a cool guy, who happens to be as obsessed with obscure stuff from the 70's and 80's as he is.

With Cameron's background - not least in writing and directing Almost Famous - Harry did keep enough of his wits about him to vigilantly steer conversation away from Eloise... His current love life, at least.

He knew he'd have clocked a few references during the course of the day - the guys casually asking after her; the group photo of them all on Ben's desk; her name popping up on his phone a couple of times, connected in the car and flashing across the dash before he could divert it.

Cameron's a cool guy, and before Harry dropped him off after dinner, he brought it up, reminding him it's one of the very few things he'd insisted be out of bounds. Assuming he did his homework and knows of the rumours, and possibly that she's filming something he'd be interested in, Harry admitted he could see the parallels and appreciated it would provide him another angle for the article, but he had to insist.

"Look, man. She's worked so hard on this film. It means so much to her. I don't want any of its success to be misdirected because of my name. She's so talented, and I get that we won't always have the relative freedom and privacy we do now... But for this one - her first, big starring role - it has to be all about her, okay?".

Cameron was surprised he brought it up at all, let alone confirmed it. But he must be an incurable romantic at heart; "I get it. For that kind of a reason, I'll keep my word; I won't even let on that you're smitten. But, man, she must have you by the balls?".

"Yeah!", he'd snorted a laugh. "Except I reckon I chopped them off myself and served them to her on a silver platter", he admitted with a dimpled grin, before reaching for a hug and parting with a weighted "Thank you".

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