3.7 | You & I

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7th July 2015

Harry wakes gently. He hears the faint hum of the air conditioning and feels the softness of the Egyptian cotton under his cheek. Fluttering his eyes open, he sees the dappled sunlight dancing through the palm trees landing on the empty pillow beside him.

Bracing himself up on an elbow, he flips his pillow to rest his cheek on the cool side as he turns over to look towards the ensuite. The door's ajar and he strains but can't hear anything. Hmm.

It's the first time in three days that he's woken up without Eloise beside him, and he decides he doesn't like it much. He misses her. Those brilliant blue eyes. That beaming smile. Her beautiful face. The wild blonde tresses. Her dancing fingers.

He has to roll his eyes at himself. It's day four... Pathetic. Man up, Styles.

He scrunches up his face as he reaches blindly for his phone on the bedside table. Ignoring the notifications, he squints at the time. Huh, 8.45am. Must have slept like a baby.

Too comfy to move, he calls out her name. His first attempt so low and gravelly it's practically inaudible. Embarrassing. He sniggers and clears his throat. "Eloise!", he sing songs. Well, rasps deeply. No response. He cranes his neck and tries again, upping his pitch and holding the end of her name in a belt. Still nothing.

Curiosity gets the better of him. With a grunt, he rolls himself out of bed and stumbles to the ensuite to freshen up.


On his way back across the bedroom from grabbing some swimming shorts from the walk-in closet, something catches his eye through the glass balcony.

He slides open the bi-fold doors and breathes in the dry heat as he buttons his shorts. Resting his elbows on the glass balustrade, he leans over to find her in the pool.

He admires the flashes of gold as she turns her head to breathe and the long tanned limbs slicing through the water with ease. Her speed only increases as she approaches the wall and executes a practiced tumble turn before gliding back underwater.

He can't help but smile. At her. At her being his.


As he emerges outside, he spots the rubbish bags and empty beer crates piled neatly by the side gate and wishes she'd woken him.

He plots his approach carefully, keeping to the shadows under the tall trees along the back edge of the pool. Timing her next turn, he steps out of the shadow as she tucks in at the wall, leaping to cannonball over her and block her path.

She wraps her arms around his waist as she pulls up short, and they break the surface at the same time, laughing and spluttering. In her haste to pull off the unflattering goggles she found, he's met with her grimacing as she tangles them in the hair behind her ear.

He pulls her shallower and bats her hand away to help detangle. His eyes flick to hers. "You sure you're not a morning person? You've been busy", he gestures to her handiwork at the side gate. "You didn't have to do that".

"It was nothing", she shrugs, grimacing at the final tug.

"Well, I know I missed waking up to this", he trails a finger across her cheekbone, over the indentation from the goggles.

She drapes her arms around his shoulders and wraps her legs around his hips. "You looked too cute sleeping", she smiles, leaning in for their first kiss of the day.

"Mmm... Well good morning to you too", he chuckles, pulling back as his hands skate down her thighs to her bum. "How long have you been at it?".

"Oh, I don't know, I always lose count. Half an hour, maybe? Haven't done anything but eat and drink for days and was starting to feel all... Jiggly", she wiggles playfully in his arms.

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