Chapter 11 : Bright Star

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(Okay ppl read the above thing; pic and tell me I am not alone to got the magic thing in it?👆)


"Avi keep the glass here, dear"

I put the glass on the side table. My hands shook but I tightened my hold on the glass as if clasping the crumble of strength that I could've managed to found in me.

Without looking up, I turned my feet rushing to the door.

My eyes squeezed shut as I heard the glass breaking sound. Thrown down which such intensity that it struck me to within.

"Avi dear I couldn't reach it can you bring the glass of water again"

I nodded stiffly, walking to the door. My insides yelling to me to leave, turn the way around, just leave her to be.

"Avi your poor old Aunt would hurt herself you know how she's so clumsy, dear won't you clean it up for her" she requested, her voice breaking in hiccups.

I looked up glancing at her way. The makeup smudged over her face, tears rolling down her delicate cheeks. She appeared like a disheveled Barbie. So fragile and so broken. Could get anyone's pity but what I felt was only disgust. I drew my eyes away from her. My face scrunched up as she puked her guts out for the second time. The stench didn't even bother me much than the need to run away and cry my eyes out.

I can't take this anymore the same thing over and over again. I bent bringing the bucket near her mouth, holding her hair back. The room was a dark mess.
Three glasses now to broken pieces, clothes tossed around that I yesterday only folded and placed in the cupboard. Windows shut preserving the gloomy stale air.

"You want to get rid of me dear?" she asked heaving. Her thin fingers tugged my sleeve like a kid.

I tied her hair into a pony avoiding the reply.

"Why don't you answer?" She clasped my wrist roughly watching with tearful eyes.

I blinked back my own. I wanted to shout at her. You're 25 you're very much capable of taking care of yourself. It's because of you I suffer.

"Don't leave me Avi you can't leave me I'll die you know I won't manage a day without you and Ryan.. wait where is Ryan?" Her fingernails dug in my wrist it was now hurting me but not more than the name of him.

I pushed her away as gentle as I could be, "he's downstairs" I told withdrawing away quickly before she-

"You ungrateful child" she clawed my arm through the sleeves.

I flinched stepping back instantly freeing myself from her.

"You left him alone! He must be hungry! Did you cook dinner for him? Did you? I didn't keep you here just for nothing. You're a burden only a burden ... what if he leaves me, I'll die it will be all your fault, just because of you!"

She hurled the lamp I dodged it by now been a practiced reflex  The rod broke rolled towards my foot.

She continued throwing things at me. Crying, wailing.

I remained unfazed watching her counting till ten when it will be over. Like a switch, she flipped on and off.

My eyes caught the glimmer of glass pieces in this dark hole.

I ran quickly picking them with my bare hands before she hurt herself and then me.

My head was yanked up roughly by my hair, "Where is Ryan?"  She hissed.

"Leave my hair," I said my face contorting in pain. Her bony fingers felt like needles to my scalp.

"You've got some sharp tongue huh?" She snarled pinching my cheeks to get some reaction from me.

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