Chapter 37 : Real Thing

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'It is only through the eyes of others that our lives have any meaning'

"Where the fuck I am?" I tore my hair watching the bus leaving on the road ahead, turning smaller and smaller, I had an urge to wave my hand to stop it. But by the time I noticed why?. It was gone, disappeared out of my reach.

I looked around helplessly at the deserted road, no one in sight. Where was I?

Ugghh.... post-Avi you've gone too far this time. Literally.

I switched on my phone but it was dead.
Great just fucking great I kicked the basket frustratedly, It shook turning making the lid fall off. Something white something growling poked out-

"Fucking no!" I cried pointing at that cat Miru who leapt angrily at me and due to my pathetic ankle, I couldn't escape his attack on time.

"Ahhh!" I screamed holding my cheek then chased the cat with the lid of the basket, bloody fucking fast cat ran away making me tired and left alone in the middle of nowhere.

It was almost night I don't know how will I go back home? When I didn't know where I was or how I was here?

Okay, I actually know how I was here checking the bag and my condition. Post Avi tried to run away fucking AGAIN. Laksh and me or precisely only me treated it as a joke I thought she'll get over it and just come to terms that she was a personality her choices or whims don't really matter.

I sighed with a pinch of regret now.

Again fucking again I acted like a bitch and landed myself into a problem. My friends told me to get on friendly terms and try to understand her, if I had done that then I won't have fucking landed myself in this situation.

I dug the bag in hopes of finding something useful maybe another mobile or power bank. And I found only unnecessary things. I tossed away Doritos packet I don't even like Doritos!

Mindlessly, I still rummage through the things purposely avoiding the fact that I was lost and should take immediate steps to get out of here if I didn't want to appear on tomorrow's news headlines

A girl died trying to kill her second personality


17 years old Avi Shukla was found dead in the middle of nowhere. Is it the work of paranormal activities or an aliens' invasion?

No time for dark humor

I pulled out a piggybank it was cracked open with surprisingly a lot of money.

There was a note, a pink note stuck in between. I pulled it out.

Then looked here and there.

And surprise! surprise!

no one was still there

I am getting scared let's read this note, yeah of course everything will be okay then.

I opened it hopefully thinking of finding some map or a way out of this place but nope, how can I expect normal things from Post Avi.. anyway I read it still hoping for some codes to crack

Random Musings

~Why is the sky blue why not pink? I know due to the scattering of light! So why couldn't red and blue wavelengths found some middle ground and make the sky pink?

~Why is it always the quiet ones with the twisted minds?

Okay maybe this note is not that useful as I thought

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