Chapter 6 : wanna hear a joke?

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"Shhhh I am on a mission," I told smirking while inwardly I sighed out wearily. This is not what I wanted to do. The flashback of the conversation that I had with Ishaan played in the back of my mind.

"Lux.. cause he only talks to you"

The last thing I wanted in my life was to get involved in the criminal and police chase. Nothing good came out of it, just pick any History book where you'll definitely find some evidence that I don't know myself now because History was never my subject. But I am logical, I could be sometimes I think so, I could distinguish between black and white, salt and sugar, and dhanya and pudina. Therefore, I could see myself sacrificed as collateral damage in the mid of some gruesome; gruesome because here we were talking about a murder, so in this battle of Justice or whatever I'll be shoved in and I fear about the result of me won't be in my favor

Ishaan saw the flickering of conflict in my expression because as bad as I was reading facial expressions I was equally pathetic in hiding those on the instant.

"You can get a reward too at the end of it," Ishaan said in a low voice shifting closer towards me.

If in a comic version I was to draw myself, refecting to my reaction at the moment, it would be my eyebrows raised off from my forehead. I might be looking hilarious cause Ishaan snickered at my reaction

"I meant in payment wise I can give you whatever you want-"

I gasped as I couldn't breathe the image in my head forming was violating my seventeen years old self. A Virgin 17 years old self


"In a transaction with money ..any amount" he completed quickly before I kill myself from being torn apart to act like Mother Teresa or lovestruck teenage girl.

Wait wait he said money?

I froze, the word money gnawed me in eat me up creating a hole in my mind filled with a desperate need for help.

I needed money

I needed to get out of the hell hole I was living in

I needed to save myself before my happy go lucky girl mask crumbled down.

"How much?" I whispered shaking.


"Avi, you're not going to tell me?" Riya cornered me with a stoic - best friend look.

"Nope" I settled my sunglasses giving a blinding smile to Ishaan and he passed me by with Tanya sashaying confidently ahead

Ishaan ignored me.

He never acknowledged me at school، of course because he cared about me he knew Tanya would be after me if she noticed. Tanya is a little territorial when it came to her things. But Ishaan wasn't a thing. Not my business I shook my head. Before I go protesting for Ishaan's rights.

"Get over that loser already Avi he's selfish and Tanya's puppet. I told you to stay away from him. Wait don't tell me it's something related to him? Oh, spill it Avi before I call Kavya and ask.."

"Go call her" I waved my hand off, uncaring. I already made Kavya promised to me to not tell anyone about Ishaan and I, our meet up thing.

"Wait" Riya's eyes narrowed at my hands. My head snapped at its way on realizing what I did. I dropped my hand immediately but Riya caught it pulling my hand up. She demanded," what is this?"

I wiggled out of her hold but she tightened her hold on my hand I yanked it back exclaiming, "it's nothing.. Shiru and I had a little argument last night"

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