Christmas in The Time of Corona

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Sang bounced on her feet, excited about the changes they were going to have fun with as far as giving gifts this year. She shuffled the papers she was holding, glancing over them to make sure she hadn't spelled anything incorrectly.

Gift giving rules for this year:

1. You are allowed to purchase ONE gift per person via online shopping means.

2. The other gift you give must be something you've made yourself.

a. You can make ONE online purchase for supplies. Choose wisely.

3. Christmas is the Season of Love... Show your love for others with a donation made in the name of the person you draw out of the hat to their favorite charity.

She also had a hat full of slips of paper, all ready to go. She'd included Erica, Uncle and Jessica in the drawing, they were going to be spending Christmas with them so it was perfect. And when she'd broached the idea with the three of them as a hypothetical suggestion, they'd been more than happy to agree to the plan. Pam, The Greens and Charlie all had other plans lined up for Christmas this year and in all the time she'd been with Victor, they'd never once had a holiday with the Morgans.

It was time for a switch up for the family plans. This year had certainly been full of unusual twists and turns and as much as she'd like to say they'd weathered all of them with no issue, that wasn't exactly one hundred percent true.

There'd been a lot of conversation to bring Kota and Nathan down from their overzealous toilet paper, cleaner and hand sanitizer prepping in March. She'd finally glared at both of them and marched them off to the storage shed where she was able to show them that they'd already had a stock of the supplies that would last for months, if not years.

She made them take all the extra supplies to their neighborhood to ensure that the people on their street had enough to get by. When they did, she made them give the rest to the Toma team for the street that they supported.

Sang glanced over the room again, hoping she'd remembered everything. They were having a family meeting, Uncle, Erica and Jessica included, so that they could discuss the various plans that needed to be made in order to have some semblance of normal for the holidays. That included changes to their usual holiday gathering with their neighborhood as well as the typical holiday shopping they all indulged in.

There was just a lot of things to discuss.

"Oh, cookies." She smiled, glancing over her shoulder before pulling a highly decorated, heavily frosted cookie off the tray. She nudged a few other cookies over with a finger to cover up the space that had been left behind. "My favorite." She murmured, sinking her teeth into one of the most fantastic sugar cookies she'd ever tasted. Jessica was turning into a very skilled and talented pastry chef and Sang just couldn't help herself with sugar cookies. They were soft and easy to eat, the frosting maybe a touch on the sweet side but it was perfect for decorating and Jessica had gone all out turning most of the round cookies into swirls of snowflakes and fancy, piped wreathes of green accented with red holly berries and the cutest little bows.

"I saw that."

"Saw what?" she turned, her cheeks flooding with a light hint of pink guilt. She brushed a few crumbs off her mouth and smiled at Owen. "I'm making sure the platter isn't overcrowded."

"Ah, I see." His lips tilted up at the corners before he closed the distance between them, stealing a bite of her swiped cookie. "Excellent cookie. Jessica's going to do well."

"Yes, she is." Sang agreed before going up on tip toe to brush a quick kiss across his lips. "How was your day?"

"Excellent. I'm glad it's over though and I can spend time with you." She smiled. "Ready for tonight, Darling?"

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