School Program

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Erica looked at Owen, sitting across from her at the kitchen table. "I know you all are incredibly busy lately now." She hesitated, toying with the handle of her coffee mug.

This year had been a year of changes after the boys had gone off to camp in January and come back home with a new purpose and new ... work ethics? She halfway wondered where her cubs went but at times, she still caught flashes of them.

Owen nodded slightly. "It's been a new experience for all of us, having a team and responsibilities." He studied her. "But Sean and I know that the boys are family for you so please, let us know when there's something that we can help with or if there's anything you need of them."

Erica's shoulders relaxed slightly. "I'm glad to hear that." She said. "I have greatly appreciated your help over the past two years when I needed someone to stay with Jessica." She said.

He smiled. "She's great. It's been my pleasure to stay with her as often as I have." He raised his glass to his lips and took a sip of water.

She smiled. "I do have great kids. All of them." She nodded. "Thing is, I do have a request for all of you. Jessica's school program is next Thursday and it would mean the world to her if all of you would be there."

He tilted his head, surprised by the question but touched all the same. He didn't know that he'd ever been to a school program before. "We'd be happy to be there." He said. "She hasn't had one before, that we've missed?" He was concerned that they'd let her down the previous year.

Erica shook her head. "No, her old school rotated the program by class sets and she wasn't going to have a holiday program until next year. But thanks to that scholarship that happened and our ability to get her in to the private school, different school, different guidelines for holiday programs and this school involves every grade for something."

"How fun for her." Owen said, taking another sip of water. "Do we need to get her to rehearsals before the show?"

Erica smiled. "Thank you for the offer but no, they do all the rehearsing during the school day. I do however need to get my hands on a scarf and hat for her. I'm not sure how they expected people in South Carolina to be able to find those but I have a few more places to check."

"We can take care of that." He said. "I ... I know someone that knits and I'm sure she'd be happy to make Jessica a scarf and hat before the show."

"Really?" her relief was evident. "That would be awesome. I can give you money for yarn if you need it."

"Consider it an early gift from Sean and I." he said. "I agree with you, surely something should have been tailored to the location. Hopefully she doesn't roast in them during the program."

"I think I have that figured out. She's supposed to wear a jacket too, of all things so I'm putting her in a sundress." Erica laughed. "She's rolled her eyes plenty at me for the decision in all her 8-year-old angst but she'll see it's for the best once she's in the middle of a song about snowflakes. On stage when it's still a good 60 degrees outside."

Owen chuckled. "I'm sure she'll be fantastic." He said. "Her favorite color is still pink?"

"Some things will never change." Erica said. "The jacket I'm making her wear is a light gray and the sundress is actually pink and black plaid taffeta with a black velvet top. It's a very pale pink."

"I can work with that." He said. "Don't worry about it."

"Thank you, Owen." She said, reaching across the table and patting his arm. "I really appreciate your help."

Owen felt a slow rush of heat fill his cheeks at her appreciation. "it's no trouble." He murmured.

~ ~ ~ ~

They took up an entire row in the school auditorium.

Jessica had been wide eyed with wonder over the lacy hat and scarf that Owen and Sean had presented her with. They were a perfect match to the pale pink of her dress. Erica was thrilled with them as well and all they would tell her is that they had a friend who was more than happy to knit them.

More than happy was an understatement.

Mrs. Rose had been thrilled. Sean said that he thought she was about to do cartwheels around the room when he asked her if she could come up with a hat and scarf in pale pink in a week.

He shouldn't have been surprised. Mrs. Rose only had sons and grandsons. She loved it, every time there was a baby girl in the nursery because her knitting needles went on super speed and every baby, not just the girls, left home with a hand knitted blanket. She was just excited when she could use pink as the main color and not just blue. Sean had been impressed with how nice the hat and scarf had turned out and once they were on Jessica, it was adorable.

"Have you ever been to a program before?" Sean leaned over to ask Owen.

Owen shook his head. "Should be interesting." He murmured. Sean snorted out a soft laugh before he took his program and poured over it, studying the order of the evening.

They were both a bit surprised to find that they really enjoyed watching the classes perform a variety of songs and short skits. Of course, their favorite was the 3rd grade class and their rousing rendition of 'Here Comes Suzie Snowflake'.

It should go without saying that Jessica was their favorite performer.

Owen leaned over to Erica as the program came to a close. "So, there'll be a program every year?" He asked.

She smiled. "As long as we leave her at this school." She said with a slight nod.

"I think we'll be making this a family tradition then." He gave her a smile in return.

"She'll be thrilled."


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