Nikhil's face fell, realizing Anvi wasn't there. He wanted to see her smile so that he could be at ease. As the gloomy face of hers was not leaving his mind.

"Why do you look upset?" Jai asked when saw his friend wasn't looking quite happy.


Nikhil's reply irked Jai.

"Cut the crap, asshole."

"I like her, dude. I really do like her." Jai smiled broadly hearing his friend's confession. But the way Nikhil was still upset made Jai perplexed.

"Then why do you have a face like an octopus if you like her?"

Nikhil raised his brows at his friend at which Jai commented, "Now, you look like a jellyfish."

Nikhil shook his head, realizing his friend won't stop teasing him so he diverted the topic to the real concern.

"It feels as if I am falling for her but isn't it too soon?"

"Oh yeah, it is. Do you know there are certain rules to fall in love out of which one is you have to wait for an eternity to fall in love?" Jai made a sarcastic comment hearing his friend's absurd question.

"I am not kidding."

"Really? I thought we were supposed to pass the worst jokes ever." Jai mocked Nikhil.

"I am in a kind of turmoil and the thing is I don't even know what to do."

"Listen to your heart," Jai replied.

Nikhil sighed audibly and went on a thinking spree when Jai added further, "You won't believe me if I say that you have fallen for her already."

"I hav....." Nikhil was again trying to meddle as he was still in denial over the fact that he indeed had fallen but couldn't as he received a call from Ian that his friend Arjun was seen going towards his cabin.

"Arjun is here," Nikhil stated, as soon as the call disconnected. Both his and Jai's face drained of colour. Their friend Arjun Malhotra was a criminal lawyer and a good observant. Moreover, the fact of Nikhil's marriage was hidden from him. Nikhil was scared that the moment Arjun would get to know about Nikhil's marriage, all their friends would get to know as well and then the chaos would follow which Nikhil was avoiding. He wanted to tell the truth to everyone himself.

"What? Damn! I need to hide. Where should I go?" Jai started moving here and there trying to hide.

"Why are you hiding?" Nikhil asked as he thought it should be him hiding.

"He was already suspecting me when he asked about you yesterday and I lied. If he will see me here he for sure will kill me." Jai replied and tried to crawl under the small center table placed beside the couch.

"A cop hiding from a criminal lawyer. Great!"

"Stop passing comments and help me." Joa hissed.

"Under my table," Nikhil suggested.

"Cool." Jai in seconds hid and Nikhil composed himself with a confident aura around him. He was mentally preparing himself on what questions he could be asked and what answer he would give when the door burst open revealing Arjun.

"Hey, dude, what's up?" Nikhil asked his friend as soon as Arjun entered.

Arjun looked up and took a seat before replying, "Ceiling Fan."

"So, what are you doing here?"

"Why? Why can't I pay a visit to my friend who has submerged himself into work that he can't even call me."

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