Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Look, I am sorry that we were unable to perform but Grassi's Media does not want to end their relations with you." Mitch was frustrated, I could tell. He was out in the hallway and talking to someone in Canada. "Something came up and Mr. Hoying and I could not perform Life Support for you, we're terribly sorry."

I shook my head, laughing lightly. All he wanted to do was yell at the bastard on the other line.

"Yes! We'd love to. Yes sir, whatever you provide." Mitch ran back into the office and pulled up his calendar on his laptop. "Yes sir, that date would work for us. Thank you." He hung up and fell into his chair. "I'm fucking exhausted, he was an ass."

"Good job keeping your cool, I was impressed."

"I'm capable."

"You sure?"

"You better stop now, Hoying. This is an argument you'll lose."

I stuck my tongue out at him and continued my painting of a rainforest.

"What time is it?"

"Uhh--" I checked my phone, "Around 12:30, why?"

"No, idiot. Your lunch today."

I groaned. "Oh yeah, it's at one o'clock."

"You should get going, I wouldn't want you to be late."

"I don't want to leave you alo--"

"Stop with the excuses." He pulled out a container of my spaghetti that I'd made last night, "I have the best meal right here."

I laughed lightly. "Alright, I'm going." I cleaned up my painting supplies. "Don't touch my painting, mister," I said while pointing a finger at Mitch.

He shrugged and began typing on his laptop. "Oh shit! I have a video chat!" He scrambled around his office, trying to set everything up.

"Relax, babe. Tell them something was wrong with your connection."

"Oh my god, you're a genuis."

"What would you ever do without me?"

"I really don't know." He got up walked over to me. He took both of my hands in his. "It'll be fine. Have fun, okay?" He kissed me. "I love you."

"I love you too." I kissed him again before walking out. "Bye K!" I called as I began walking down the hallway. Her door was open, allowing her to hear me.

"Bye! Have fun, don't worry about it!"

I smiled as I got into the elevator. I had some of the most caring, supportive people in my life.


"It's fine, all good," I whispered to myself as I got out of my car. I walked into the restaurant and did a quick scan. He was sitting at a booth in the back.

I took a deep breath and began walking. His eyes lit up when he saw me. "Scott!" He said happily.

I put on a fake smile and hugged him back when he jumped up and wrapped his arms around me.

"Hey Alex."

"You look good boy! Have you been working out?"

"Yeah, a little I guess." We both sat down in the booth.

"I got you a water, hope you don't mind."

"That's fine."


"We're good, finally. We're together and happy and I don't think anything is going to screw us up this time."

"Knock on wood," he said and began laughing.

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