Chapter Eighteen

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I haven't talked to Mitch in six days. No dates, texts, phone calls, or even a simple "hello" at work. Nothing.

I want to believe that it's no big deal and that I'm just being a clingy boyfriend, but this is giving me déjà vu and bringing back some painful memories. I don't know if I did anything wrong, hell, at this point I don't even know if we're together anymore.

I woke up on the seventh day and checked my phone to see if I had any texts from him. I wasn't even surprised when there was nothing. I sighed as I went through the previous texts sent throughout this week.

To Mitchy: Hey babe! I didn't get to talk to you today

To Mitchy: Is something up?

To Mitchy: Are you ignoring me?

To Mitchy: Did I do something wrong? I can't fix it if you don't tell me what's wrong

To Mitchy: Kirstie said you haven't told her anything

To Mitchy: I'm really worried now. Please contact me in anyway

To Mitchy: Please baby I'm begging, anything

I'd talked to Kirstie on day three to see if Mitch had said I'd done anything wrong. She said she knew nothing.

I walked into work on day seven and was not shocked to see that he wasn't there and had simply left a note.


Sorry I'm not there! Ryan's project will be filmed in a few days, so I need you to call the numbers that I emailed to you. Make sure all expenses are already paid for and that the crew is all set. Then, you need to go listen to Avi and Kevin on You Raise Me Up, it's their last day to practice and I trust you to make sure everything is perfect. Thank you!


I put the note down and pulled out my laptop. I found the email and stared blankly at the screen before bursting into tears. It was the first time in all seven days that I'd cried about being ignored by my boyfriend. I wrapped my arms around myself and began crying harder at the thought of going back to what I once was. I don't think I'd be able to recover if Mitch ruined me again.

Besides, none of this made sense. It wasn't fair, I hadn't done anything!

My sadness turned into anger and I paced around the room trying to figure it out. Did he cheat on me? Is he tired of me? Did I say I love you too soon?

I gave up when I couldn't think of any solutions. I settled back into my seat and began calling the numbers. A distraction was all I needed because, obviously, worrying wasn't bringing him back.

Soon all the numbers were called and I needed to go listen to Kevin and Avi. I could feel my mood lightening as I walked into the auditorium and was greeted by Kevin's famous laugh.

"Scott!" He called as he saw me approaching.

I looked at the other man in front of me.

"Hi, I'm Avi," he said. He stuck out his hand and I shook it. I was surprised by his extremely deep voice. Mitch had said it was deep, but I hadn't imagined this.

I took a seat and they immediately began working.

It seemed silly to be blown away by Avi's talking now that I was listening to his singing. That truly was something to rave about.

Kevin played beautifully and Avi's deep voice suited the lyrics perfectly. When they were done, and staring at me waiting for comments, I remembered that it wasn't a mini concert, but a practice that I had to give constructive criticism on. I hadn't been paying attention, I'd lost myself to the music.

"Oh," I said, blushing furiously. "I--uh."

"Should we go again?" Avi asked.

"Yeah, again," I responded, ready to actually do my job.

They began again and I listened carefully. The only mistakes were minor and tweaks that could be fixed within minutes. I had them correct everything and play one more time before I left.

I got back to Mitch's office and immediately found myself becoming bored. I'd already annoyed Kirstie enough this week with interrogations and complaints, so I decided to keep to myself.

I scrolled through Twitter, took a nap, had lunch, watched Netflix, and took a second nap before Mitch came into the office.

It was six o'clock and the first time I'd seen him in seven days. I could tell something was wrong right away.

It was the limp he had that he tried so desperately to cover up. And the over-used and battered smile that he used to plaster over his pain. Also, the obvious heaps of concealer he'd put on to cover the still visible bruise and bags under his eyes. The one that scared me the most was when he tried to pick up his half empty water bottle. His arm shook and he tried to keep me from noticing, but it was obvious that he was weak.

He finished taking a sip from his water and turned to me. "Scott! Hey!" He said "happily".

"What's wrong?" I asked, my voice firm and angry.

"Damn, Mr.Grinch."

"This isn't a joke, Mitch. It's not okay for you to disappear off the face of the earth for seven days and come back looking like you've been mugged!"

Mitch's phone began ringing. "Look, Scott, you're overreacting. You care and I get that, but I'm fine. You shouldn't be stressed out over me." He picked up his phone and answered, walking out into the hallway to take the call.

It didn't feel right, something was up, and Mitch was hiding it from me.

A/N This is short, oops. I'll try to update again later!

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