Chapter Thirty-Five

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He moved in the next week. Kirstie and Jeremy came over to help. Somehow, their contagious happiness and feeling of 'wow I am so in love with you', rubbed off on Mitch and me. I won't deny that we needed it.

By the time all of his belongings were set up exactly how he wanted and the apartment was as much of his as mine, we were all laughing and smiling. It had honestly been an amazing day.

"Why don't you guys stay? We can get some takeout and watch movies?" I suggested.

"Ugh, I wish. We planned to go to a fancy dinner tonight with some rich people from France and I can't even remember why. But absolutely a rain check," Kirstie said, already grabbing her bag and beginning to walk towards the door.

"Thanks for everything today, you guys. I don't like lifting heavy boxes," Mitch complained

"Oh, they were definitely heavy. I'd never even heard of that Acne place, how do you have so many clothes from there?" Jeremy looked so confused.

Mitch laughed. "Straight boys. I don't know what to do with you."

We all gave hugs to one another and then Kirstie and Jeremy were gone, leaving Mitch and I alone. I hated that the silence wasn't comfortable anymore. It felt heavy and for every second that passed, a new layer of tension would be added. So I broke the silence.

"I'm taking you somewhere tonight. You should start getting ready."

"What am I supposed to be getting ready for? Is it fancy, causal? Hello?" I began walking away. "C'mon Scott where are we going?"

I didn't answer because, shit I didn't know, either.


"Pleeaassee tell me where we're going."

"It's a surprise."

"Not even a hint?"

"Not even a hint. Sorry."

"It's has to be something interesting if you rented a truck."

With that, another silence fell over my car. He turned on the radio but only to hear commercials. I'd lost my aux cord days ago and there was no conversation to be had, so silence welcomed us once again.

The awkwardness made me nervous, which was the reason I was going on this date in the first place, and the reason for my next action.

I took one of his hands into my available one. I rubbed his knuckles before letting our fingers interlace.

Mitch was staring right at me and even if I didn't look at him, I knew his face showed complete and utter shock. This used to our tradition, but it had stopped like so many other things lately. A small smile appeared on my face. I was happy this one was back.

"Okay, close your eyes." I said as we reached our destination.

"Seriously?" He tried to sound annoyed, but a smile tugged at his lips before he closed his eyes.

I drove down a trail and to a small cliff. It gave a perfect view of LA and the stars were amazing. I knew that Mitch loved looking at them. I pulled the truck into the area backwards and let down the truck bed. Inside I had three bottles of Chardonnay and food from a fancy Italian restaurant right near my apartment.

No, our apartment.

I'd never been more grateful for the amount of time it takes Mitch to get ready. I was able to get all of this done in addition to making myself beautiful as well.

I walked to his side of the truck and opened the door. I led him out and said: "Okay, open your eyes."

"Oh my god."

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