Chapter Thirty

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A/N I can't write smut, like, at all. But, our boys are ready for this big step and their relationship has reached that point. So I needed smut that was good and wouldn't make you cringe. So, I decided to bring in one of the best smut writers in this fandom...go big or go home, right?

So drumroll....

tfoweeklyobsessions wrote it!!! I know a lot of you read her one shots [(;] and if you don't, start right now you're missing out big time!! And if smut isn't your thing, you can read her stories without it. And if you do read her one know that this is about to be amazing. But I will warn you, it's not totally dirty. It's cute, fluffy and a big step for the boys. So thank you again, Daisy!! It was awesome to work with her because she is so sweet and talented!! So with that being said...


We stood in that position for quite some time. My mind was racing with all of the things he had shared with me. That's why he tried to push me away. That's why he has his trust issues. He deserves everything but doesn't know it yet. Standing here with him, his legs wrapped around me and his face in my hands, I saw so much more than he could imagine. I could see myself growing old with him, taking the world together.

He is my world.

I knew that telling me these things wasn't easy for him. He was finally letting me in. Right now, I felt I had him. I finally could breathe. Yet, I still wanted him. I wanted more. I feel like he finally trusts me, and wants more as well.

I brought his chin up and connected our lips. He slowly wrapped his arms around my neck. Everytime he kisses me, I feel so complete. Like our lips and bodies were meant to be together. I feel we fit together like a puzzle piece when we embrace.

I lowered my hands to his waist as we continued, and I slowly rubbed his back. I wanted to make sure he felt safe. This perfect person wasn't even told he was beautiful until his first relationship! Even then, the person didn't deserve him. I felt him relax as we deepened the kiss. He explored my mouth as I explored his mind, letting his words sink into my head. My hands traced his spine as they memorized him as well.

"What are we doing, Mitch?" I said in between breathy kisses to his neck. I wasn't sure what he wanted-- what he was ready for. I knew in my heart that I loved him and I didn't want him to do anything he didn't want. So what were we doing?

"I don't know," Mitch mumbled as he pulled me closer. "Just do it." He pulled me and held the back of my head as I kissed his collarbone. I put my hands under him and picked him up so that his legs wrapped around my waist. He tightened his arms around my neck and let me carry him.

I kissed his neck and soon found myself moving. My feet making decisions for me as I blindly walked and ended up in the bedroom at the foot of the bed.

I pulled my lips from his neck and held him close. I could feel his heart racing against my chest. He was trusting me. I knew it must be terrifying to trust someone again after all these years. He pulled back a bit and looked at me. Even in this dark room I could see his eyes shining.

"Scott?" He said slowly. He looked at me from eye to eye. "I think I--"

"It's fine." I stopped him. I knew it-- I knew I should have not made this decision without asking him. He isn't ready. "We don't... we won't do anything you aren't ready for or don't want. I would never--"

"Scott no. It's not that." Mitch stopped me. "I was going to say that.. I think I want this. I want us. I want you."

Mitch looked at me and it seemed like for the second time that night he was showing me every ounce of himself. He wasn't holding back. He was speaking to me from his heart and opening up to me.

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