Chapter Seventeen

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I knocked on the door and then stuffed my hands into my pockets. I began rocking back and forth on the balls of my feet, I was nervous. Almost as nervous as I was when asking Mitch out for a date in the first place. I had been a wreck. I was as red as a tomato before I even said anything. He thought it was adorable but I was absolutely mortified.

I was shaken out of my thoughts by Mitch opening the door to his apartment. He smiled wide at me.

"Ready?" He asked.

He didn't give me a chance to answer as he grabbed his Chanel handbag and closed his door.

I captured him in a short, yet sweet kiss.

"I'm so fucking lucky" he said once we pulled away.

"As am I," I said.

We walked to the elevator and his hand gently brushed mine. I decided to grab it and couldn't hide my smile when our hands fit together perfectly.

When we got to my car, I opened the door for him.

"Oh, what a gentleman," he said, smiling.

We drove to the restaurant in a comfortable silence.

I'd picked a casual, cozy place that I absolutely adored. Why not bring my favorite person here?

We got into our seats and the owner walked over to our table. He was an old man nearing 80 and I knew him very well. He was short and plump with white hair and a giant bald spot on the top of his head.

"Scottland!" He called.

I hopped up and gave him a hug. "I swear you get taller everytime I see you," he said. "And who is this handsome fella you have here?"

"I'm Mitch," Mitch said politely.

"Well, Mitch, I am Eugene." He stuck out his hand and Mitch shook it.

Eugene leaned over to me and whispered, yet purposefully loud enough so that Mitch could hear. "He seems like a keeper."

"Oh please Eugene, tell me something I don't know," I said.

We both turned to see a blushing Mitch looking at us.

Eugene patted me on the back. "Looks like I'm your waiter tonight, I haven't done this is in a while. Please forgive me as I shake the cobwebs," he said.

Mitch and I ordered drinks, and later our meals. We talked about my family, how Mitch and Kirstie met, and more about Mitch growing up with an alcoholic father.

It wasn't even near half of what I wanted to learn about Mitch though.

After dinner we went walking on the beach. The sun was beginning to set and it was beautiful(yet nowhere as beautiful as my date).

Soon we stopped walking and just sat down. Mitch cuddled into my side and we talked about Beyoncé until the conversation went towards Sophie, who I'd never heard of.

"Well what makes her so great?" I asked.

"Well he uses unique qualities to make "out there" music while he still delivers amazing lyrics and messages."

"Wait, EDM?"

"Yeah, silly. EDM is my life."

"You and-- woah I never pictured that. I don't know why but--wow."

"See, I told you that you don't know me."

"Well then I aren't I lucky to be able to learn."

He kissed my cheek and turned towards the now dark sky dotted with stars.

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