Chapter Thirty-Two

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*I'm just going to put a general trigger warning for the rest of this story because there could be some triggering things, but I don't want to spoil some chapters. So just keep that in mind from now on. It's like a permanent trigger warning*

"We're only going to be there for three days," I complained.

"You never know what clothes you need and I plan on being prepared thank you very much."

Mitch got in the passenger's seat after throwing his(way too big) suitcase in the trunk. 

"Seriously stop judging me," he said after I'd been staring at him for a few moments. I laughed and kissed his cheek before starting the car. "And why did you think it was a good idea to drive all the way to fucking Canada?" He asked.

"I like road trips and spending more time with you."

I kissed the back of his hand and stroked his knuckles before settling on just holding his hand. 

He plugged his phone in and Ariana Grande began playing from the speakers. I rolled our windows down and began driving. With the sun setting and the man I loved beside me, I sighed happily.


After what seemed like ages, we stopped in Seattle. We were both completely exhausted, me from driving and Mitch from working on his laptop and entertaining me. 

We threw away our--now empty--Starbucks cups and grabbed our suitcases from the trunk. We ran into the hotel, hand in hand as rain poured on us.

"The reservation should be under Grassi but Dash Entertainment and Partners paid for it," Mitch explained to the concierge.

"Ah yes, here you are," she said with a smile. She handed us our keys and we thanked her before going to our room.

"I'm so hungry," I said as I threw my suitcase on the bed and groaned.

Mitch was staring out of the window of our room and it seemed as if he hadn't even heard me.

"Mitch, are you hungry?" He stayed silent and I walked over and placed my hand on his shoulder. He jumped. 

"Don't just sneak up on me like that!" He yelled.

"I was talking to you, I thought you knew sorry."

He cleared his throat. "Yeah--uh right sorry."

"Are you okay?" I asked. He was acting so strange.

"I'm fine, just really tired." He didn't sound like himself at all.

"It does sound like you're coming down with something."

He gave me a weak smile. "I'm going to take a shower, but I'm not hungry."

"I remember passing a cute little diner on the way here. I think I'll pick something up from there and come back."

He nodded. "Sounds like a plan, mister."

I grabbed my keys and phone. "See you soon?"

He crossed the room and captured my lips in a kiss. It started slow and soft but gradually became more passionate. He put his hands on the back of my neck before running them through my hair. My hands rested firmly on his back. His lips were soft and fit perfectly with mine. His cologne filled the almost non-existent space between us. He pressed me up against the door and I was shocked with his sudden desperation. He trailed his hands down my chest before stepping away and breaking the kiss.

"Um, woah. That was unexpected," I said breathlessly before laughing lightly.

"I'll probably be asleep when you get back," he explained. 

I kissed him again, but it was much duller in comparison to our previous one.

I pulled away and smiled at him before walking out of our room.

That boy.


I hummed Bad Blood by Taylor Swift as I ran through the rain. I set my food on the passenger's seat and turned on the car. 

The food smelled absolutely amazing and I was starving. Mitch not being hungry didn't make sense to me at all.

I made it back to the hotel in no time and rushed inside. I smiled and waved at the concierge before running into the elevator and riding up to our room.

"Mitch, I'm back!" I called as I entered the room.

He didn't answer and I didn't hear the shower running so I assumed he was taking a bath. 

I sat down on the bed and pulled out the sandwich I'd gotten from the diner. I turned on some shitty reality show and settled down. Nothing much had happened today, but I still felt exhausted. 

I'd finished my food and was in my pajamas, close to falling asleep when Mitch emerged from the bathroom. He wore a t-shirt that I'd given him. It was way too big and it looked adorable on him. His hair was wet and his bangs rested on his forehead. 

He walked over and got into bed with me. He pulled back the sheets and it wasn't until he reached to turn off the lamp that I noticed.

"Mitch," I whispered.

He froze with his back to me and it was obvious that he knew.

"Mitch," I said again, a bit louder this time even if my voice quivered.

"I was doing better," he whispered, "I swear I was."

"Why would you do this?" I asked.

He ducked his head down and a sob escaped him.

I turned him around and sat across from him.

"You're too important, don't do this to yourself," I whispered. We were both crying at this point.

"I just--everything is creeping back in my mind. Do you know how fucking creepy it is to be falling into the this pit--this pit of depression and having no control? I know I'm getting bad again, I can feel it."

I looked at the source of this all and choked back a sob. I looked at his arm and felt my tears falling faster and faster. So many cuts rested upon his gorgeous body. I couldn't kiss them because of how new they are, so instead I kissed his lips, and his cheeks, and his cute little nose.

He giggled and we got under the covers, his body wrapped up in mine. "I love you," I whispered.

"I love you too."

We stayed silent for the rest of the night before we fell asleep. This wasn't something he'd want to talk about, and for now I'd respect that.

I had to be strong for him, I had to. 

But that didn't mean that when his breath became even and it was obvious that he was asleep, I shoved my fist in my mouth and sobbed. Crying until my eyes burned and sleep finally rescued me.

A/N This story has been a little boring lately and I apologize for that.

BUT I JUST STARTED A ONE SHOTS BOOK! I've wanted to for a while now and I can't promise that it will be updated often, but it's there! So please go find it in my works and check it out. I'm super excited for it!

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