Chapter Twelve

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"I didn't mean to or anything. It was a coincidence that it was him. Purely bad luck, or good luck, however you see it," Mitch said.

We were sitting across from each other on my bed. I wanted to know everything.

"Start from when I left you."

"Okay, uh well I called Uber LA but they were slow and I was tired so I just called a taxi like I said I would. I went home and took a shower and got in bed. But my mind was going a mile a minute and I was pissed at Travis for leaving, you for calling me a slut, and just the world in general really. I got up and went on a drive to try and help clear my head. I'd only been driving for a few minutes and then boom. I didn't even know what the hell happened. I thought it was an animal or something and then I got out and--"

Mitch began crying again. "It's alright, you're alright," I said.

"It was him and he was bleeding like crazy and it was the most terrifying thing I've seen in my life. Every time I close my eyes--"

Mitch paused and took a deep breath. I began stroking his arm gently to help calm him down.

"I ran to the side of the road and threw up. Then I called 911 and stayed there and held his hand. An ambulance and the police came. The ambulance took him and the police put handcuffs on me. I was a screaming and crying mess. They took me to the station and put me in one of those small rooms and began interrogating me. They were asking me a lot of questions and did a test and found out I'd been drinking. I kept telling them that it wasn't my fault but they didn't believe me. They put me in an overnight cell until they could "figure things out" I didn't know what the hell that meant. It turns out they were watching the tape from the red light that we were by. It was clear that my dad ran out in front me and so they let me go."

"Just like that? I'm sorry I don't understand. What about, like, a trial or something? They just let you go? I know you're not a muderer or a criminal but what if you were? What if it was someone else?"

"I don't know. Police make mistakes all the time, I honestly don't know what to tell you. They studied everything over and over again. Scott he was drunk, he was so drunk."

"Well at least he's gone now, he can't hurt you. Now you're going to become this successful, handsome, charismatic, loving, and extremely talented man. You're triple the person he could ever wish to be."

Panic flashed across Mitch's face. "Shit! I should go," he said.

"What? No we're talking. Don't leave."

"I should, I'm giving you an all access pass to my shitty life and you don't care. The only reason why you're listening is because you're an incredibly sweet person."

"I know you don't believe that. You know I care and that's the reason why you're trying to leave."

"Thank you. Thank you times a million for tonight but I'm afraid I have overstayed my welcome."

"Are you really bullshitting me right now Mitch? Overstayed your welcome? I want you to stay forever, here you and me."

"Stop it please. I'm a fucking murderer, why won't you let me go?" He was crying hard now. My hand was on his arm, keeping him from getting up.

"Because I want you. No, I need you. I need you Mitch Grassi."

"You barely know me," he whispered.

"That's not true. I know that you pretend you're okay when you're not. I know that you know more Pokemon characters than anyone else I know. I know that you scrunch your nose up when you're confused and trying to figure something out. I know you're sassy and funny. I know that you want a sphynx cat, but your dad calls them gay."

"Called them gay."

"Mitch I know you, and I still want you."

"I wish I could believe you. I want to believe you, but I'm scared. You're--"

"Here. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere."

"All I need is tonight."

"Okay that's fine. Come here."

Mitch cuddled up into me. His head was resting on my chest and his arms were around my waist. I had my arms around his shoulders, and one of my hands were drawing circles on his arm.

"I can hear your heartbeat," he whispered. "It's beating really fast."

"That's because you're laying really close to me. You make me nervous and give me butterflies."

"How could someone like me make someone like you nervous?"

"Oh you have no idea."

Mitch and I stayed there, in our own thoughts. I'm sure he was thinking about this father.

I was thinking about how proud I was of him. He let his walls down for me and it was the best thing that could've ever happened. We weren't perfect yet, and we never would be, but we were making progress. A huge weight felt lifted now that Mitch's father wasn't around to hurt him. It was amazing.

Mitch was finally here in my arms and I was finally happy.

I just hope it lasts.

A/N A short filler to help clear things up! I would expect a lot of updates soon if I were you(;

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