Chapter Nine

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A Letter That He'll Never Read

How to kill someone:

Let them know what it's like to hold you in their arms, and then never touch them again.

See them almost everyday, but pretend they don't exist.

Act like everything that ever happened was a lie.

And you, my dear, did it perfectly. So please explain to me why you're looking at me like I'm at fault. Because if our love were to be a crime scene, you'd be the one stabbing me in the back.

I think I'm still alive. I'm not exactly sure if my heart is still beating, or if my heart even exists at all.

I sit up and look around.

This isn't my room.

I look down.

This isn't my bed.

I look beside me.

This isn't my Mitch.

I try to silently remove myself from the bed and this dreadful situation. I was beginning to get up but then the man beside me wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Stay," he said, his voice thick with sleep.

"You can go back to sleep, I need to go."

"No you don't Scott."

I instantly felt guilty. He knew my name but I didn't know his.

I had to admit that it felt good to have a pair of strong arms around me. It had been exhausting comforting myself for the past few days. Then again, that's why I was in this situation in the first place.

"A few more minutes," I whispered, and got myself comfortable again. The bed was warm and not wet from tears like mine.

I looked at the man beside me. He was definitely attractive, yet nowhere near MItch. He looked extremely peaceful and I envied his ability to be so calm. I looked at our covered bottom halves and cringed. I didn't even want to know what was under there.

The man beside me stirred and then he was fully awake. He opened his eyes and I blushed as they met mine. I'd been staring.

"Good morning," he said.

"Good morning, uh---"


"Okay, good morning Alex."

"Glad we got that straightened up, you thought my name was Mitch last night. At least that's what you were moaning."

I gulped as my cheeks heated up.

He smiled. "I knew it. You seemed heart-broken last night." He sat up as he continued, untangling our legs. "I'll make a deal with you. If this Mitch comes back for you I'll pay you $20. But if he doesn't you have to stay with me as long as I want."

I exhaled and laughed lightly. "Looks like you're stuck with me," I said.

"Maybe not. Some people take a little longer to figure things out. If Mitch knows what is good for him, he'll come for you. Because you sure proved yourself last night."

I blushed for the millionth time that morning. Alex stood up and slipped on his boxers. "What are your work hours? It's 6am right now. We're about the same size so you can shower and borrow some of my clothes if you'd like."

"Really? That'd be great." It was weird, but I felt like I could trust Alex. I was taking a huge chance since he could be an axe murderer for all I know. But Mitch wasn't mine, so what could I lose at this point anyway?

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