Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Hey Mom."

"Scott! You're alive!"

"Oh...uh yeah, sorry I haven't called in a while."

"Let me guess, you're only calling now because you need something."

I scratched the back of my neck. "Uh--well--"

"Save it, what do you need sweetheart?"

"I'm trying to make spaghetti and--"

"You're cooking?!"


"Richard! Richard! Get your ass in here, Scott has a boyfriend!"

"Wait a second, when did I ever say--"

"You're cooking, of course you have a boyfriend."

"What's his name?" My dad asked.

"Mitch Grassi."

"As in Grassi Media, where you work?"

"Yeah," I answered reluctantly.

"Is he cute? Treating you right?" My dad began bombarding me with questions.

"He's the one. That's all you need to know."

"Are you sure, honey?" My mother asked. I could tell that she wasn't questioning my judgement, just making sure.

"I'm sure, he's just-- oh god, I don't even know how to explain him." A wide, goofy smile made its way onto my lips, and you could hear it in my voice.

"Well we're going to meet him if he's the one, right?" She asked.

"Yeah, not yet, but you'll meet him."

"You're happy?"

"Ugh, yes. No more questions!"

"Sorry, back to the question about cooking," my mother said.

"He's cooking? Damn this Mitch really is special."

"Stop it Richard!" I yelled playfully.

"I just got Richarded! Did you hear that? He called me Richard!"

"I know honey," my mother said softly.

"Alright, I'll go now then. It was good to hear from you, Scott. Call more often! Love you, kiddo."

"Bye! Love you too."

I could hear my father's footsteps and soon I was alone with my mother. 

"Okay your question?" She asked.

"Right. I'm making spaghetti but it's gluten free and that's confusing me and making me get all my steps confused."

"Okay, what have you done so far?"

"I just put the garlic in the olive oil. I can't remember the next step but I can remember everything else."

"You need to let the garlic sit but the next step is making the sauce. Do you have all the ingredients?"

"I think I bought the whole store. I really want this to be special."

"I expect a picture of this boy!"

"Prepare yourself before I send it, he's so gorgeous that you need a warning before seeing him."

"You really like him."

"Love him, actually."

"I'm happy for you baby, but we need to stay on topic."

"Right, right, so sauce? I made it but I'm confused on adding the meat."

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