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"Just wow?" I asked.


A laugh escaped me. "Did you at least enjoy it?"

"Yes. Yes of course."


"And Grandpa?"

"Yes my boy?"

"Do you love Papa?"

"Of course. Your grandfather and I have been together for a very long time."

"Sometimes it doesn't matter how long you're with someone. Love is not necessarily measured in time. You may have been with Papa for a long time, but I think you love Mitch more."

I couldn't help but smile. "You're a smart kid, you know that?"

"I'm not much of a kid anymore."

"That's true. You did sit through this long story of my love life."



"How does it end? The story, I mean. Is it a happy ending?"

"Well let's see. I'm here sitting with you, my grandson. Your mother and father are in the kitchen with my husband. I have several paintings in museums, and I play the piano in my free time. That seems to be a happy ending to me."

"But you still love him?"

"I suppose I do."

"You don't have to dial it down for me. Do you still love him?"

"Very, very much. Mitch was---well he was the love of my life, yes."

"And Papa is...?"

"A wonderful, wonderful man. A man that I love very much."

"But he's not Mitch?"

"He's not."

"Will you always love Mitch?

"Always and forever. Come here, my boy." My grandson walked closer to me. "When you find a love like the one I had with him, cherish it. Do not let it go for any reason whatsoever, do you understand?"


"I miss him more and more each day, and part of me wants to give up everything just to see his face again."


"Don't worry, my boy. I would never. But I need you to understand the hurt I'm experiencing constantly."

"I do understand."

"One day you'll know what it's like to love someone so much."



"I heard mom and dad talking to papa about you. Papa said that you still cry yourself to sleep sometimes, and say Mitch's name in your sleep, all while you think he's not listening. He said something about you being broken."

I took his hand in mine. "I am fine. Don't you worry."

"Are you sure?"

"Have I ever lied to you?"


"Then you know that I'm telling the truth. I'm better than I've ever been."

"Now you're lying to me. You were at your best with him."

"And when did I say that?"

"You didn't have to." He took his hand out of mine. "I'm wiser than you think, grandpa. I understand that you love Papa, but not as much as you love Mitch. I understand that he was very sad, and committed suicide. I understand that his father abused him, wrecked him, ruined him. I understand that he made you very happy, and now, naturally, you're very sad, even after all these years."

"I loved him." That was all I could say.

"I know. Thank you for telling me the story of you two. There will never, in the history of all hearts that roam to find a lover, be a love as great as the one you shared with Mitch. Never. He is your star, grandpa. And he will shine forever."

Guys..... guys

this is over....like seriously

let me just say that I appreciate you all reading this piece of trash because let's be honest that's what it was....and for those of you who have read since I first put it out, it's seriously been a very long time

Like wow

I don't really have anything else to say besides thank you and I love you. I know you're all pretty angry with the way I ended it, but it could've been worse. Mitch dying was always the plan from literally the first chapter, but I did have Scott cheating and a lot of other stuff in there too but decided to take it out. Thanks for bearing with me on my first true story. This was my baby for a very long time and I was extremely adventurous and experimental during it, but if you go read my story "Poison and Wine" (getting that promo yes girl) you'll see what my writing style has sorta become.

And for anyone who didn't understand this ending...yes Scott told this whole story from the future. He was telling it to his grandson. He's married now with a cute lil family but will always love and miss Mitch.

No joke....like right now I just started thinking about how this is the last a/n I'll ever write for this story and started getting real sad real fast

I'm not even overreacting like do you realize that I've been writing this story for almost a year (I'm pretty sure?) it's been a veeerrryyy long time and it's going to be weird to not have to update anymore

okay I love you all and thank you for reading this weird thing and being my bffs <3 Love you babes and stick around for more....I'm not going anywhere

bye bye loves ur all MY stars <3

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