2: today's gonna be fun

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I would like to dedicate this chapter to sophiaxr91 . Hope u enjoy this xx

Their day was quite .. interesting. And if Anne knew what had happened she would've slapped both of them. But in the future she would laugh about it, so it was all good.

Niall kicked his leg up and his shoe flew off and smashed into the ceiling with this huge BANG. The teacher turned around and asked "what was that?!". Niall just stared at Harry as the ceiling tile fell and shattered on the ground between them and the teacher.

The shoe thumped down on top of it and Niall just said "that's not my shoe" while standing there with just one shoe on. It was quite hilarious.

Now Harry was laying on his bed and Niall on his own. They were talking over the phone and Harry was praying to God that his mom isn't listening to their conversation.

"but, y'know, what if we make a plan to get louis to fall in love with you. like in the movies?" niall asked and grinned. this is going to be amazing. "step one-!"

"niall, shut up. we're not doing this" harry quickly interrupted and face palmed himself. "oh, come on, harry!" niall pouted and was more than ready to write their whole plan down.

"i even have a name for you two!" he said excitedly and made a dramatic pause. "larry stylinson. what do you think, harry? i love it!" harry's eyes went wide and he blushed a deep red.

"oh my god" he mumbled to himself and shook his head. "niall, you're out of your mind" he said and sat up. "why? harry, i already have a plan in my mind! give me a chance" niall whined.

harry sighed. he wanted this conversation to be over. not necessarily the phone call, but just the topic. there's no way he's going to make a fool out of himself just because niall has a stupid plan. that's not gonna happen.

five minutes later, niall still tried to convince harry about his plan. "harry, listen to me-" "that's what i've been doing all the time!"harry interrupted once again. niall groaned in frustration. "come on!"

harry didn't knew how many times he sighed in just five minutes. but he was getting annoyed, and that's not very good. harry get's pissed off easily, he just tries not to show it.

treat people with kindess. that's what he always thinks when he wants to punch someone in the face. well, that didn't stopped him from kicking this one dude in the balls when he was hitting on harry.

normally, he has nothing against it. as long as the people are being respectful, it's all good. being nice is the key. but the guy, zack, just said "looks like a nice ass!" and touched him. niall didn't even had the chance to hold harry back.

and it's not like he wanted to hold harry back. he would've cheered him on, but a teacher was in the hall and gave harry detention. ironically, zack didn't.

"harry, you need louis. i can't listen to you gushing anymore." harry furrowed his brows. "you literally ask me to say what's on my mind and when i start talking and it's about louis, then you look at me like a puppy and want me to keep going and-"

niall huffed, "enough, harry! hush!" harry laughed and glanced at the clock. it was just 10:37pm. "okay, tell me your first step and i'll tell you if we're doing this or not" harry then said, which made niall's face light up.

"really?! okay, hold on!" niall quickly got up and walked over to his desk, looking for his blue notebook. "if i embarrass myself because of your plan, i have to kick you in the balls" harry said. niall rolled his eyes and chuckled. "treat people with kindess, haz" he just said and opened his notebook, turned the page with his plan and cleared his throat.

"okay, step one! be more noticeable. meaning, dress up a bit! do something with your hair, try something new. see, i'm even helping you finding yourself. aren't i a good best friend?" niall introduced harry to his plan.

well, doesn't sound that bad so far. so harry slowly nodded. "okay. if it gets to the point where i'm making a fool out of myself then i'm out" harry said. "does that mean you're in?!" niall asked excitedly. harry laughed, "yeah, ni, i'm in."

"i'm at yours tomorrow at six thirty. now go to bed, you need your beauty sleep!" with that, niall hung up the phone and left harry quite speechless.

this was going to be fun.


as promised, niall showed up at six thirty to get harry ready. anne was surprised to see niall here this early, but didn't said anything about it. it's not like he never snuck in the house in the middle of the night because harry had nightmares.

niall was a good friend, that's why anne didn't minded him over. he treated harry well, cared for him and loved him with all his heart. she was greatful for niall because he's there for harry when she can't be there for him.

so what's there to complain?

"ready, harry?" niall asked and grinned. harry smiled, which looked more like a grimace. "no" he said. niall rolled his eyes and opened his closet. black hoodies, black jeans, black shirts.

"dude, you literally have only black clothes" he said and raised his eyebrows. "lucky for you" niall pointed at harry and winked, "i brought some stuff for you. get ready for a fucking makeover."

half an hour later, harry had a bandana in his messy curls and a pair of boots on his feet. he was wearing black skinny jeans and a black blouse. he looked like a new man.

"so, ready to start the day?" niall asked and grinned, admiring his work. harry looked so fucking good, niall would definitely snog him. in a friendly way.

"i'm kinda scared, to be honest" harry admitted and crossed his arms over his chest. "harry" niall started and turned him around so that he was looking in the mirror, "you look fucking stunning. get your man."

harry sighed and nodded. "thanks, ni" he said and hugged his best friend. niall grinned and pushed him out of the room. "hi, niall. hi, harry. you look good, honey!"

anne kissed her son on the cheek and hugged niall. "look, i have to leave for work and i come home late, okay? please cook dinner for yourself or go to niall's. if you want to, you can sleep over. just make sure to eat something."

niall grinned and nudged his best friend. "you're coming over, gotta talk about the rest of the plan" he said. anne raised her eyebrows, but didn't questioned the two. "yeah, mom, okay. i'll eat in school, have fun at work!"

he kissed anne on the cheek and hurried outside with niall. niall opened the door for harry and got in the car himself. "today's gonna be fun" he said and started driving. "we'll see" harry mumbled and looked out of the window.

i don't like this :(

[ wc: 1209 ]

a louis to go, please! » stylinson auWhere stories live. Discover now