34: history

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This is gonna be long and chaotic and emotional so strap yourselves in royal chihuahuas cause this finna be a rollercoaster :')

Niall sat down at the couch and looked at his work proudly, he bought many snacks and some alcohol to celebrate and then so so much food that this stomach was making happy noises.

Maura came into the room and eyed the alcohol suspiciously. He groaned and shook his head, "We'll stay inside, don't worry-"

  "Just leave something for me" She interrupted her son and waved her hand in the air. This made Niall speechless for a second before he was able to speak again.

  "You want some?" He asked carefully and sat down on the couch, just to stand up again because someone rang the doorbell. "Niall, I'm a forty five year old woman living with you. Yes, I need some wine" She said and shooed him to the door.

He put up his hans in surrender and opened the door, expecting his friends but only saw a very handsome pizza man. "Hi" Niall greeted and flushed a pretty pink, before fishing out his wallet and giving the man the money and a very graceful tip.

  "Thanks!" He said and flashed him a bright smile, to which Niall chuckled nervously and only nodded at him. "Have a good night" The pizza man said and waved, then turned around and walked back to the car.

Niall just shut the door loudly and walked into the living room with still flushed cheeks. Maura raised her eyebrows and hit him on the back of his head lightly. "Useless pan" She mumbled and walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

  "In my defence, he was hot!" Niall yelled and crossed his arms over his chest. "Yeah, yeah, sure!" She yelled back and came back into the room.

The two sat down on the couch and groaned when the doorbell rang again. "Harry has a key, why does he always ring the bell" He complained and stood up to walk to the door again and opened it, only to reveal Harry who was grinning innocently with Louis next to him.

  "Ass" Niall said and pulled him into a hug and then Louis into a very short one. "What did I do?" Harry asked and pouted, but only got a punch against his arm.

  "Hey!" "Hey!" Niall mocked him and stepped back to let the couple in. "Hello to you too Niall" Louis said sarcastically. Next thing he knew, Niall was on his knees and grabbed his hands.

  "Oh, holla, mine own valorous sir Louis. I desire thee hadst a saveth driveth and shall enjoyeth thy timeth at the H'ran residence" Niall started and was ready to go on, but Louis interrupted him by pulling him up again and shaking his head.

  "Shut up" He said and didn't bothered fighting the smile that made its way to his face. "As thee wisheth" Niall said and bowed. When he came up again, he looked into the surprised face of Harry.

  "Didn't know you could talk like that" He said and Niall only shrugged, walking back into the living room and flopping down on the couch. "You learn something new every day".

Maura got up from her seat and pulled Harry into a tight hug. "Harry, my dear. How are you doing?" She asked and pulled away only to now hug Louis just as tight and ask the same thing without giving Harry time to answer.

  "Um, good, thank you. How are you, Maura?" He asked politely and sat down next to Niall. Louis immediately followed him and pulled Harry close, earning a loud groan from Niall.

  "Good, good" She said and sent Niall a look that told him to shut up, "I'll leave you guys alone."

Maura left the room and went upstairs, leaving the three guys on the couch. "You're making me feel single" Niall mumbled and hugged a pillow close.

a louis to go, please! » stylinson auWhere stories live. Discover now