20: what abut step 3?

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I'M STILL ALIVE YAY. I hope you're ready for another ✨chaotic✨ chapter.

Harry left shortly after eating breakfast with Louis and his sisters. The two boys went to the bakery Louis also worked at, to get some bread. Louis admitted being tight on money, and so Harry paid. He didn't minded though. He assumed by now that Louis's parents weren't very available.

The breakfast was quite .. chaotic. Louis's sisters were very talkative and really energetic. There was the eldest, Charlotte. She introduced herself as Lottie though, because that's what everybody calls her anyway.

There was also Félicité, she was a little bit younger that Lottie. But she asked Harry to call her Fizzy instead. She was adorable.

Then there were the twins Daisy and Phoebe. They were pretty unruly, but kind just like Louis.

The girls were clinging onto Harry ever since he woke them up. New faces in the small Tomlinson flat wasn't very usual to them. They were constantly asking Louis if he was a prince. Very quietly so that Harry didn't hear them, of course, it would be embarrassing to ask such thing in front of a real prince.

Well, Louis being Louis, he confirmed that Harry in fact was a prince and was here to take all of the girls into his castle very soon. They just had to have some patience.

It hurt Louis deep down to tell his sisters those things when he knew that it would never happen. He wanted to give them everything he had, but had not a lot to offer. He didn't had a lot of money, couldn't afford all of those expensive clothes that everyone else was wearing and food was also something that was a tricky theme.

Louis often ate nothing just so that his sisters could at least have something in their stomachs. Them eating was way more important anyway.

While Harry was leaving, Louis couldn't help himself but watch the scenario with a soft smile tugging at his lips.

"Come back soon, Harry!" Lottie said and hugged his right leg, not wanting to let go just yet. "Take us to your castle next time! We'll have everything packed by the time you get back, promise!" Fizzy piped in and clung to Harry's other leg.

Harry laughed loudly, throwing his head back with his hands clutching at his stomach. These girls were awesome.

Something was different about Harry, everyone in the small flat felt and knew it. Harry was just special in so many different ways, and if Louis was being honest, he couldn't exactly tell why Harry was just so great.

It could've been just the fact that he's a great friend, a great listener to that. He's not really offering real advice, but he's just there with you, not just for you. To Louis, this was a huge difference and that's why he appreciated Harry so much.

Or maybe it was just because Harry was Harry. What's there not to like about him? He's got the curls, he's charming (Prince Charming, if you'd ask the girls. Quite literally), got the dimples, the looks and the cheeky personality. Who wouldn't love him?

"They like you" Louis said softly and watched as his sisters still wouldnt let the poor boy go. Harry looked up, his eyes seeming to glow with so much happiness. "You think?" He asked sheepishly and captured his bottom lip between his teeth.

Louis nodded, "Mhm, trust me." Harry just smirked at him, sending a wink his way as he started to tickle Lottie. "Believe it or not, but I do" He said and threw the small girl into the air and catching her again, her screech echoing through the small entry.

The other girls all laughed and made grabby hands, "Me too, Haz, me too! I want to fly too!"

So yeah, that was pretty much their morning. By now Harry was already at home and preparing dinner with Anne. They were making some Spaghetti, though they did a lot more than they usually would. And that just because Niall was here.

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