14: what's going on?

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dedicated to my two lovely sisters mcr_lin & Killer_Xo xx

harry nudged niall with his elbow and nodded in direction of sam. "what if we wave them over? they're nice" harry suggested, gaining eleanor's attention as well.

"who are they? i recognise ian, but who are the other two boys?" she asked and furrowed her brows in confusion.

"i have no idea who the kid with curls is, but the other one is sam. little brother from dean winchester" harry explained, and realized that he added unnecessary information about sam.

eleanor didn't seemed to care, since her face lightened up. "of course, yeah! i know dean, we ran into each other the other day. very polite. doesn't he have a boyfriend?" she rambled and picked up her fork up again to finish her salad.

niall, who has not yet joined the conversation, nodded, "yup, castiel. weird dude."

harry rolled his eyes at him and shook his head, turning to eleanor again. "cas isn't weird, just not very talkative" he said and looked at sam again. he was laughing so that his dimples were showing, and the boy next to him grinned proudly. perhaps he was the one who made sam laugh.

"mhm" niall hummed and got a punch against the shoulder in return, which eleanor commented with a snort. "you two are such a mess" she said and smiled, "in a good way, of course. you're funny."

now it was niall's turn to smile, even though he was actually grinning. "thanks" he replied and winked at her.

harry didn't noticed any of this, he was too busy trying to have a conversation with sam by just looking at each other and making weird hand gestures.

sam tilted his head to the side and furrowed his brows, looking at harry's hand he was waving in their direction. he squinted his eyes and shrugged, trying to say that he didn't know what he was meaning.

harry sighed and flinched when niall yelled across the restaurant, "just get your three asses over here! harry doesn't know how to use words!"

niall laughed hysterically at harry's reaction and patted his shoulder. "you're welcome" he chirped, but harry only waved it off. "yeah, yeah. thanks" he muttered and took a sip of his cold coke to somehow cool down his face that probably looked like a tomato.

eleanor watched the scene with an amused smile and pushed her salad aside. "you've known each other for a long time, am i right?" she asked out of nowhere, which confused the boys a bit, but they nodded anyway.

"yeah, ever since we poop into our trousers" niall answered and grinned again, though he was serious. the two have known each other since forever.

harry grinned as well and nodded, "we've known each other practically since birth is what niall is trying to say." eleanor chuckled and poked her tongue against the interior of her cheek. "i figured" she said and smiled, seeing the boys from the other table coming over to their table.

ian looked like he went through a very bad breakup, so eleanor made it her mission to make him smile a little. breakups can hurt like a bitch, no one should walk around with a broken heart that has been hurt by some douchebag.

"hi" sam said and smiled at the three, furrowing his brows when looking at eleanor. "um, eleanor, right?" he asked, to which she raised her brows in surprise.

"yeah, how'd you know?" she asked confusedly, while the three boys sat down on the other bench in front of them. the boy with curls chuckled, "sam here is just a genius."

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