22: better than him

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After Niall came out, he admitted crushing on Harry ever since they were eleven. Maura was surprised as to why Niall would still help Harry getting together with Louis when it was obviously hurting him deep down inside.

"He's my best friend, mom. I want him to be happy, even if I'm not the one who he's kissing and all that stuff. I won't be ruining his happiness."

And so when the sun was already rising and Niall still being wide awake, he was (not really) ready to start his mission and make new friends.

He was hoping that Sam and Gabe didn't minded having him in their little .. duo. Last time he checked, the two were a couple as well.

Great, everyone has found someone expect for him. This was so uplifting.

Niall rolled his eyes and entered the huge building with way too many teenagers running around and pretending to own the world just because they're popular.

His first period would be art, something he's learned to despise. He didn't wanted to sit next to Harry and get ignored just because a blue eyed beauty was sitting next to him and was getting all of his attention.

He huffed and pushed the door open, his eyes immediately landing on the pair sitting closely next to each other and laughing about some stupid stuff.

Niall quietly made his way to his seat and plopped down on his chair loudly, the two boys still not paying any attention to him and kept minding their own business.

Usually he wouldn't even be walking into this room alone, he and Harry were always together. Niall always picked him up before school because he already had his license and then they got through the day together, side by side.

He clenched his jaw and closed his eyes, trying to stay calm and not to scream and cry at the same time. Just let Harry be happy, he deserves it.

Niall wasn't necessarily mad at his best friend, he was just disappointed in him. After all they went through, which was seriously everything, he chose Louis over him in a heartbeat.

And that was what hurt the most.

He's known Harry all his life. The two were taking baths together when they were young, splashed around with water and made everything wet, pretended to be Santa with beards made of lather and laughed at each other because they looked so ridiculous.

They cried on each other's shoulders when they felt down, snuck out and met at the park they made their secret place where they screamed until they were hoarse, laughed until they couldn't breathe and the sun was up again while their mom's were worried sick at home but it was okay because they had each other.

They were sharing beds like little kids all their life, from when they were only three years to now, seventeen and eighteen years old, slept with only one blanket because they liked to be close to each other and feel safe.

They went through puberty together and shared secrets that they only trusted the other with, came out to each other first and after that, there was nothing that was hidden. Got a crush? The other immediately knew. Accidentally knocked an expensive vase over and no one knew who it was? The other immediately knew and they laughed about it.

And now?

Everything seemed to be forgotten within a week. That hurt.

The teacher begun talking, wanting to have the sketchbooks turned in by the end of the next week and see some good drawings.

Niall didn't cared, he was focused on the white table that wasn't even white anymore but full of color and stupid stuff that students have written on here.

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