33: love

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Louis traced his fingers down Harry's face, his mouth slightly gaping open as he counted every oh so small freckle on his lover's face. He touched his brows, lashes and nose. Then he gently rubbed his thumb over his bottom lip, letting his finger trail to Harry's top lip, slowly tracing its curve to the hollow just under his nose. He cupped his cheek afterwards, slowly leaning in.

Harry heard the soft breaths escaping Louis's mouth as his lips were ghosting over his own, feeling his breath on his skin. He closed his eyes, leaning in just a tad bit further, their lips now touching.

Their lips only met briefly, before they both parted. They looked into each other's eyes. When blue met green and worlds changed. Never once has the thought occured Harry's mind that he would be laying right here next to his stupid high school crush, who turned out to be so much more. Louis was so much more than just a crush.

He knew that he was a little too young to talk about deep love, the love of his life and all that. But he sure knew that Louis was more than just liking someone.

He was great, he was kind. Loving. Warm hearted and selfless. Respectful and a tad bit sassy to make you chuckle to yourself quietly. He made awful puns with Harry just so he wouldn't feel bad to be the only one doing them. He would watch The Notebook as often as he could just to quote it throughout the day and play some scenes with Harry. Because it made him happy.

He was listening to Harry's favourite music, trying to figure out what exactly this artist meant to him, trying to find the connection that always made Harry's face light up and silently sing along with tears brimming in his eyes. Music was something that meant a lot to him, and Louis knew that. And so he took it by heart to learn as many lyrics as he could, just to sing along with his boy so he wouldn't be the only one singing.

He was listening to every single thing that Harry told him about, he studied his features more than he studied for his exams, he was paying attention to his body language and constantly tried not to cross Harry's comfort zone to make him feel safe when he's around Louis.

He tried to recall every detail about whatever story Harry told him, whether it was when he learnt to ride a bike, why his grandparents passed away and how that made him feel. He would pay attention to all of his orders, no matter where they ate. He knew what his favourite candy, food and drink was and he was purposely only picking those things even if he didn't liked it.

Louis was awesome. Always trying to make things right and make Harry feel wanted, always putting Harry in front of himself because that's just the way he was. Kind. Loving. Giving.

Sometimes Harry was asking himself how he could ever give Louis all of this safety and love back. How he could ever pay him back. Because what Louis did wasn't just being nice and showing affection. It was so much more.

You know, Harry was never asking for all of this. He was just letting it happen. That's the reason he stopped with Niall's plan. Love shouldn't be forced. It should come naturally and with all beauty and pain it may bring with it. And hell, it did hurt. But in the end, it was worth it. All of it.

Louis told him that Harry just needs to stay. Stay with him no matter what. Even if it gets though, in the good and the bad times. Because when you truly love someone, you just stay. You hold their hand, hold them in your arms just to make them feel safe. You kiss them everywhere your lips can reach, showing the love they deserve to feel.

"Harry?" Louis asked, voice agonizingly quiet. "Hm?" He hummed as a response, not wanting to break the eye contact any time soon. This was all he ever wanted and all he'll ever need. Louis by his side and everything would be just fine.

Louis swallowed the lump in his throat. His eyes flickered down to Harry's lips for just a split second, his jaw tightening. "I love you" He said, shifting in his seat, Harry's eyes tracking his every move.

Everytime he said those three words, it made both of their breaths hitch, both of their hearts jumped excitedly and it felt so good to finally love someone as much as they love you.

Harry smiled softly at Louis, running his hand through his hair and draped his arm around his neck, pulling him impossibly closer. "I love you too" He whispered, his lips touching Louis's with every word.

He knew that Louis has had a hard time with telling people that he loved them. Love is a very strong word. Love is a strong word and both, Harry and Louis, knew that this was something not to joke about.

They didn't needed to say it every minute they spent together, their eyes said it all. It was more like they were best friend, they had fun together and that was it. The love was just always there, the words just existed to actually hear it.

What was way more important to them was to feel it, to touch each other whether it was only holding the other's hand, have their own private moments or just holding each other close while drinking tea and coffee, it was rather being close.

To kiss each other lazily in the mornings, a quick kiss goodbye and a long awaited hello kiss when they haven't seen each other all day.

Words were not able to say it all, it were their actions.

And so the two finally connected their lips for a slow and delicate kiss. It was loving and sweet, and Harry could never imagine anything as perfect as this.

Is this a good ending? Do you guys want to see more of their relationship? Else I will end the book because I have zero ideas and I wouldn't wanna add some weird twists so please let me know. I will of course add what happened to all the other boys cause they haven't appeared in a long time lol.
Have an awesome day! xx

[ WC: 1085 ]

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