six ~ pretty dark crap

Start from the beginning

     He starts inching towards us and I start to feel a coldness and devastation like never before taking over me. 

     I lift up my wand and think of the wonderful time I have had with my new friends so far.

     "Expecto Patronum," I chant, but it comes out as a mere whisper. 

     My eyesight becomes hazy and I vaguely see the dementor turn his head away from me and towards Harry. 

     "Expecto Patronum!" I chant louder. A small silver whisp comes out of my wand and drives the dementor towards the door and away from Harry, but it doesn't bother leaving. 

     It simply stares back at us as though debating whether it should try again. I hold up my wand as threateningly as I can. The labored breathing of the others still heard behind me. 

     "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" I hear a voice from behind me exclaim. I see a silver shield leave the end of a wand and the dementor scurries off. I turn to see Remus Lupin, in the flesh. 

    He looks at me and his eyes widen slightly. "Was that your first time performing that spell?" 

     I smile sheepishly, "It was my first time performing magic actually." 

    Looking at him, I hold out my hand, "Cassidy Winters, Professor." 

     He opens his mouth but closes it quickly to shake my hand. He looks at me with a sorrowful look but I don't pay it any mind because I turn to Harry who was looking shaken up. 

     "Are you okay Harry?" I ask him as I go to help him up.

     "Did you hear the screaming?" He whispered.

     I bring him into a hug and respond over his shoulder, "No, but it's okay. I know you heard it. I'll tell you more later about it later."

     Turning my head toward Professor Lupin, I ask him, "Do you happen to have any chocolate on you, sir?" 

     He smiles and hands me some chocolate after breaking it into smaller pieces. 

     "It will make you feel better. Trust me," I tell him handing over the chocolate.

     Lupin turns towards the others and says, "I need to speak to the driver, excuse me."

     When he leaves, they all turn toward me for answers. I sit down on the floor facing the doors of the compartment as the lanterns flicker to life. 

     "They'll be around Hogwarts grounds all year. The dementors suck the happiness out of you and make you relive your most terrifying and depressing memory," I turn to Harry, "I'm just glad you didn't pass out."

     "Pass out!?"

     "Hearing voices, Potter? Don't tell me the Dementors scared you that easily," Malfoy sneered.

     "Ignore him," I mutter as we continue up the stone steps of Hogwarts.

     Elbowing past us, Malfoy continues to taunt Harry, "Did you call to mumsy for help?"

    "Shove off, Malfoy. It's a shame your life as a purist has resulted in nothing but becoming obsessed with finding a reason to talk to Harry," I snap, shoving Malfoy out of the way. "Try not to follow us, fanboy"

     As we entered the castle, I smiled at the magical building. Professor McGonagall called Hermione over to talk to her and we parted ways.

    The boys and Ginny left for the Great Hall while I went to Professor Flitwick and the First Years. I walked into the Great Hall behind all the first years after he gave the introduction speech.

      It felt odd since a lot of people were wondering why I was there. Since I was taller and older than everyone else, I felt like a black sheep in the group.

      Flitwick began stating the names and the Sorting Hat would yell a house. Around the kids with last names that begin with 'T', I turned to see Hermione rushing to her seat on the Gryffindor table. I smiled to myself as I knew that she had just gotten her time turner.

     "Underwood, Alyssa" "HUFFLEPUFF!"

     "Veal, Mariah" "RAVENCLAW!"

     Once all the first years were done, Professor Flitwick announced, "And our Third Year transfer; Winters, Cassidy" 

     I slowly made my way over to the stool. The hat was placed on my head and my eyes were covered by the hat. Then I heard a voice in my head:

      "Ahh, hello Miss Winters, now let us see what we have here. Mmm.....You come from a long line of Slytherins but you are not at all cunning, resourceful- yes, very resourceful.

      "You seem to have a lot of knowledge of the future, much too stubborn for Ravenclaw. Loyal, very loyal, and kind, Hufflepuff qualities. But- oh, of course, you are a rule-breaker! Much like your father. Well, then it is decided. Good luck on your mission, Miss Winters.


     The hat yelled for the whole hall to hear. It was lifted off my head and I walked over to my table happy and smiling as they welcomed me with the same reaction. 

     I looked up and saw Professor Dumbledore, the Dumbledore, speaking, but I was not listening. One thing the hat had said was stuck in my mind. 

     "You come from a long line of Slytherins."

      But Ollivander had said my mother was a muggle-born, which could only mean that it was my father. He came from a long line of Slytherins yet he was a rule-breaker, a Gryffindor?

     I was snapped out of my thoughts when Ron asked, "Aren't you hungry, Sid?" I looked up at him and put on a smile before I nodded. 

     After the delicious feast, the plates disappeared and we waited to hear Dumbledore's speech. He spoke of Hagrid becoming the Care of Magical Creatures teacher and how the dementors would be around campus more. 

     But what surprised me the most was what happened after the speech. As he dismissed all the students to go to their dorms, a note materialised in front of me. 

     It was a paper folded in to the shape of a crane and I smiled.

     I picked up the note gently and unfolded it. The trio seemed to have gone over to Hagrid- probably to congratulate him- and so I decided it was safe to read the note.

     Please see me in my office. I'm sure you know which flavoured jam I prefer.

     "Oh," I breathed out. Was I in trouble already? Did he know of my situation?!

     I glanced at the trio before turning my head towards the teachers table. 

     Dumbledore was already gone. Great.

     Walking out of the Great Hall, still holding the note, I realized I had no clue where I was going. Then I felt something move in my hand and in a state of panic, I dropped the note. 

     Though it seemed to have worked out because the note returned to being a folded crane. The little paper bird began to fly, flapping its wings in front of my face. Magic, am I right?

     The bird began to fly away and down a hallway. Reluctantly, I followed it. Taking turns down beautiful hallways and passing elegant window panes, I eventually found myself in front of a gargoyle statue. 

     Jam? That's what he said. Uh- was it Raspberry?

     Clearing my throat, I stated, "Raspberry jam?"

     The gargoyle moved revealing the circular staircase. I followed the bird one final time and stepped onto the moving floor. The staircase moved as I did and I found myself in front of a door.

     Here we go.

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