Chapter Tobias-Teen

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Chapter Tobias-Teen (14)

Tobias' POV:

Today is our baby's funeral. He's already been cremated, today I will get his ashes and Tris and I will finally get to bring him home. Sort of.

"Tris?" I shake her awake.

"Hmm?" She grumbles.

"I have to go pick something up ok?" She doesn't know what it is. I don't want her freaking out while I'm not here.


"I'll be right back, I love you."

"I love you too," she responds, still half asleep.

I quickly get dressed and walk out of the door.

I found this place in Dauntless that is kind of like a funeral home. You can have the hospital deliver the bodies there, and they take them somewhere far away to be cremated. That's what I asked the hospital to do for me. They dropped him off a week ago.

"Hello?" I say as I enter the building.

"Yes sir, how may I help you?" A man comes forward from a doorway behind the counter.

"Um, the hospital dropped off a baby boy last week, and I was told I could... bring him home today," I say awkwardly.

"Last name?"


"I'll just be a moment," he says. When he gets back he says, "Trace Reid Eaton?"

I feel a lump in my throat. This feels too real. It IS real. My son is really gone. I nod.

"Here you are," he brings a very small container to the counter. "Since he was a very small baby there weren't as many ashes, so we had to put him in a smaller container. I'm very sorry for your loss, have a good day sir," he retreats to the room where he came from.

I stand there, looking down at the small, decorative glass vase for a while trying to wrap my head around the fact that, technically, he's in there.

What's Tris gonna say?


I reach our apartment door and unlock it.



"Today's the day," I say warily.

"What do you--" she stops, seeing what is in my hand. It has his name on it. "Is--is that h-him?"

I nod.

She shakes her head no. She wasn't prepared for this.

I carefully set the container down on our table and walk over to her.

I wrap my arms around her and she weeps. I cry too.

We sit down on the couch with her curled up in my lap crying into my chest.

I hug her tight as tears slip down my face as well.

She settles down, and looks at me with bloodshot eyes.

"That's our baby," she states.

I nod, "We finally get to bring him home."

She nods and gets up to go to the table. She delicately wraps her fingers around the glass container, and lifts it up, reading his name on the side.

Tris brings it to the couch, sitting down.

"Sh-Should I open it?" She asks reluctantly.

"Tris I don't think it's a very good idea to open it now. Maybe wait a little while."

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