Chapter 7 "Alive Again"

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Angela's P.O.V

After the hell I have lived in for two years, today, I felt I was alive again and just not a breathing corpse. Instead of being beaten and used like an object, instead of being starved, instead of making my life the way, that I wished that I would rather I was treated like a human.

I got clean clothes to wear unlike the times when I didn't even get clothes, not even dirty rags to cover up my bare body.

I got to take a proper bath instead of just being thrown a bucket of water at.

I could get food to eat without having to fulfill the needs of the person providing it and then too; what I got was just some leftovers; that too twice a week.

I got a bed in a proper room to sleep, instead of the cold hard floors of the dark basement.

My wounds were tended Instead of being beaten at every instance.

But most importantly, I was treated with care and respect, the feelings which were made foreign to me.

Somehow I subconsciously surrendered to the circumstances and got used to that life. it became my truth, my life. I lost hope to ever live my life again like a normal person and subconsciously those dreadful sufferings started feeling normal to me. That hell became normal to me. But Lucifer made me feel alive again.

But I know better than to let my guards down. I know that this all could be just a facade..that it could all just be a dream.

I know that I am not that fortunate. I am not someone who deserves hope. I am not someone who deserves happiness. I am not someone who deserves to even breathe at my own will.

In the past, whenever I dared to hope, to be happy, or at the very least.. live, all my hopes were crushed one by one. As the days passed by, I started to believe firmly that there is no light for me.. just the darkness.

Somehow, believing it helped me tolerate everything that was happening in my life and I felt less hurt both mentally and physically.

And now I simply don't have the courage anymore to get hurt again. I know that I can't allow myself to get the hopes up and the walls I created around me and around my heart, get down. Only then I will not be hurt again.

I try to stay awake as much as possible because I know for a fact that as soon I will be asleep, the nightmares that I have been seeing for the past two years, will again come back haunting me.

In the past whenever I got to sleep, the maximum I got was for about half an hour at a stretch.

That half an hour, was the time when he was merciful enough to not torture me or use me to fulfill his desires and I got time to sleep. But sadly my nightmares didn't pity me and were merciless enough to invade the only time I got for myself.

By sleeping, I just don't want to relive the horrid memories of the things I suffered, not even through the nightmares.

I sat by the headrest on the bed covering myself with the covers and blink my eyes multiple times to ward off the sleep in them.

I looked across the room to find something to distract myself of the sleep and saw a photo on the nightstand of what looked like a younger Lucifer with a girl standing beside him.

He had the same bluish green eyes as now, the only difference being that in the photo one could clearly see the joy in them along with the honesty they held, whereas now, though the honesty was still present in his eyes, but the joy and happiness in them were replaced by an undescribable emptiness.

His eyes now looked like that they wanted to hope, to feel, but something inside him was broken to such an extent where all he could feel was the emptiness.

The girl that stood beside him was older than him, may be fifteen or sixteen years old and had a very beautiful pair of blue eyes. Long wavy dark brown hairs enhanced her allure.

A genuine loving smile graced both their faces.

I looked at the photo for a long time, unconsciously tracing my fingers on Lucifer's features.

I kept the photo back and looked at the clock on the nightstand next to the photo, which read four in the morning.

Just an hour more and I will successfully be able to avoid the nightmares.

My past had taught me that no sleep equals to no nightmares and I try to apply this as much as possible...not that there was a need to try to do this in the past as I barely slept, but today was another thing.

The things I was encountering today were so different from my past experiences, that I can not endanger anything else. I can't let my guards down.

I can't sleep, no matter what.

But the strong masculine scent of Lucifer that I can smell and feel from his clothes I am wearing, the sheets and the cover, is giving me an unknown sense of safety, safety that I have not felt for so long, safety that I want to wrap completely around me and engulf my entire being.

It is calming me down and making me relaxed.

I shook my head as if it could shake off the sleep, but I could feel my eyes drooping, and sleep took over me, no matter how hard I resisted.


Hi everyone. I am so sorry for the late update. It's been 5 days since I last updated but I was really.. really busy with some stuff. I know that no apologies can compensate for the time which all my readers spent eagerly waiting for the new chapter. But I also know that you will all be generous and continue reading my novel with the same love and interest. I promise I'll update the next chapter real soon.

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