Chapter 59 "The Pleasant Surprise"

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Lucifer's P.O.V

She talked to me! She finally talked to me!

Even if life would throw another bucket; full of difficulties in my already messed up life right now, the smile that was etched on my face and the relief I was feeling would not falter..I could bet on that.

I nervously cleared my throat and flexed my fingers a few times after I gave the keys of my car to the guard at the gate and ran towards the door with my heart thumping in excitement.

I will finally see my angel after so many days!

I blew a long breath in hope to throw out all the fear and nervousness that could disrupt the content I was feeling at the moment in any way, but somehow, the anticipation and anxiousness that made itself home in my vigorously pounding heart seemed a bit too comfortable to leave.

Subconsciously, my instincts made me immediately look for her even before I could enter the door and spotted her sitting on the couch.

"Angel.." Even though I could only see her back as she was seated facing the opposite direction, her name rolled off my lips with subconscious happiness in the form of a small smile, enveloping each and every syllable.

The overwhelming happiness that started to fill my heart by just the thought of finally seeing my Angel after so many days, and the excitement to finally hear her voice when she would talk to me in person was enough to overshadow every other voice, every other presence in the room.

But as if the exhilaration and anxiety I was feeling wasn't enough, the irritation that came to accompany my disquietude by the voice that I heard next, added to my misery.

"You're back!" as soon as I entered my home, Cyra Dolivo's over enthusiastic voice entered my ears instead of the voice I was desperately waiting to angel's.

Arghh! Cyra Dolivo! The only girl and the most loved and cherished member of the Dolivo family! But who's mere presence can cause extreme annoyance and displeasure to me!

How could I even forget about her!

How could I forget about the calls I got; but was least bothered to even look at, in the office?

She was the complete opposite of her cousin Andrei Dolivo, but it was what made her much more dangerous.

Unlike Andrei, who was a much more impulsive person who relied on violence to tackle things, Cyra Dolivo was an extremely patient person who found it amusing to manipulate the situations to her favor and get whatever she desired, no matter by hook or by crook.

And as on cue, anxiety, worry and in all honesty; a tiniest bit of fear passed through me as I realized that she was alone in the house with my angel.

Though there was no reason in particular, but knowing Cyra's malevolent and malicious nature and the discomfort that my angel still sometimes feels when she is alone with complete strangers made the uneasiness that was whirling inside my heart amplify with each passing second.

But thankfully, before the uneasiness could turn into a hurricane and completely wreck havoc on my sanity, my angel came to my rescue.

As if sensing the unending malaise, tension, and restlessness that was going on inside me, she turned and looked at me, with the small yet the most comforting serene smile, thus pacifying every last wave of disquietude I was feeling.

"I missed you so much!" as if determined to disrupt my happiness, Cyra Dolivo immediately sprang off the couch she was sitting on, and linked her arms tightly with mine, before I could even look at my angel to my hearts content.

"Miss Dolivo!" I immediately warned her in a low yet stern voice while unlinking my arms from hers.

"Cyra! How many times do I have to remind you that it's Cyra for you?" completely unfazed by my stern voice and forbidding gaze, she said playfully while once again clutching my arm.

But instead of the unavailing nonsense she was spouting despite my countless reminders about the same previously, what caught my eye in that moment was the look that she gave to my angel while she was speaking to me, making me completely confused.

What exactly was she even trying to do?

I lifted my hand to free my arm once again from her grasp, but before I could, a voice caught my attention.

"Here!" For the first time since my arrival, my angel's soothing voice finally entered my ears as she held out a glass of water towards me, along with an assuring smile that thankfully washed off all my doubts of her being uncomfortable due to what Cyra Dolivo just did.

But knowing my angel and her history of making several, though unsuccessful attempts to hide her distress from me, being double sure was never enough.

So not wanting to take any chance, I looked her in the eyes and confirmed once again "You okay?"

"Absolutely!" She reassured with a small yet genuine smile that I could see reached her eyes.

"Where's Maria?" I asked while taking the glass off my angel's hands.

Though my happiness knew no boundaries by being on the receiving end of my angel's care, but it was Maria's job to take care of these trivial things and for as long as I have known her, she was never the one to slack off from her work.

"Ahh...well your guest here-" she directed towards Cyra "-and I were having a discussion before you arrived...concerning Maria, but unfortunately were unable to reach any common ground".

"And she-" after an infinitely small pause, she once again looked at Cyra and gave a smirk full of confidence mixed with an emotion that I was unable to recognize no matter how hard I tried "-was quite positive that you would be of definite help in that matter, so I thought to call you home." she looked at me with a smile and concluded.

But what she did next was something that I could never have imagined, not even in my dreams.

Something that I never witnessed my angel doing before. Something that was so unexpected, especially coming from my angel, that saying that it left me pleasantly astonished would be an understatement.

She took a step forward towards me and Cyra and standing just a few inches away from us, she looked at Cyra directly in the eyes and while directing towards her arm that she was still stubbornly linking with mine, said with an extra sweet smile that clearly was fake in a sickening sweet voice, "Now if you will please excuse him?"

Speechless! If I were to tell how I was feeling at that moment, this is the only word that I could think of, though, it also could barely summarize of what I was felt.

But before I could contain my composure and understand the things that were going, there was another set of surprise waiting for me.

"It's okay...I'll help myself." Noticing no action whatsoever from Cyra's side, my angel shrugged her shoulders, took a step again thus closing whatever gap was left between us and slightly yet firmly pushing Cyra Dolivo away from me, she held my hands, interlocking her fingers with mine.

"Come on..Let's sit and talk!" she looked at me with a smile and the same unrecognizable emotion that graced her face a few moments ago, making me completely bewildered..completely puzzled with a question that I really wanted to know the answer to.

What exactly was going on between them?


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2023 ⏰

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