Chapter 3 "Hope"

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Asher's P.O.V

I am feeling so muddled up about what I saw back at Lucifer's room, that my mind is not able to decide; whether, what I saw was a dream or reality.

Since the moment I saw tears in Lucifer's eyes a few moments back, I know it has something to do with the girl that was laying on his bed. I just can't point my finger at what it is.

I have never seen Lucifer shed even a single drop of tear since the day his elder sister Cali died, when he was ten years old. That was the last time I saw him feel something and react to things. But since that day, his face is void of any emotion. It's as if he is not able to feel any sentiment and his heart has turned impassive. He engulfed all the gloominess and became the most cold, ruthless and apathetic person I have ever seen in my life.

But today after all these years, I saw him react to things, I saw him feel the emotions that became foreign to him. He was worried, concerned and even felt sad for the girl. He was clearly low spirited and looked heart broken, when he was watching the miserable condition of the girl. The various emotions were swarming in his eyes, which were always filled with just emptiness.

Being his only friend and practically the only person he can call his family, I always wished for him to be happy again, to smile again, to find someone who can make his dead heart to beat again. And What i saw today; gave me hope.

Hope.. that this girl can make him feel alive again. She can stir up the emotions in his dead heart again. She can and she will be the reason Lucifer will live again.and I will leave no stone unturned, to make this possible.

"Who is she?" I shouted curiously as soon as Lucifer opened the door.

He glared at me and pointed his finger up towards his bedroom "keep your voice low or you will disturb her rest".

Realizing the emotions behind his words, I smirked playfully at him.

"Who is she?". I knew it. I knew that he cared for her and he just confirmed it for me. I almost did a happy dance in my head.

He rolled his eyes and said tilting his head towards the couch on the side "let's sit and talk."

  I instantly complied and jumped on the couch to sit, eager to listen to whatever he had to say.

"Now tell me. Who is she? What's her name? And most importantly what happened to her? Why is she in such a miserable condition?" I asked gripping every ounce of patience I have in me.

"Do you remember the day two years ago when we lost the file and were ambushed at our warehouse where I was shot in my arm?" Lucifer asked.

I was stupefied, but nodded my head nonetheless. Why was he mentioning the incident that took place two years ago, when I was asking him about the girl. And that was when realization dawned upon me.

"" I was speechless and so muddleheaded at this sudden piece of information that surfaced, that I was not even able to form a single coherent sentence that made sense.

Lucifer too looked puzzled as if he was still comprehending the situation and was not able to clearly arrange his thoughts.

" she is the much awaited scarf girl you were searching for two years." I said wiggling my eyebrows but not before blowing a breath to calm myself. I knew the answer already and wanted to dance my heart out at the revelation, but controlled myself and settled with just a smile forming on my lips.

"Yes" was all he said. Trust Lucifer to be the enthusiasm wrecker.

I made a face, but still holding the candle of optimism, I asked hopeful to get some details "What's her name?"

"um.. I..I don't know" he said a bit embarrassed.

"What? Are you kidding? You found her after two years and still don't know her name. You know her since two years and were so adamant to find her and finally when you did find her, you are still unaware of the information as basic as her name." I yelled frustratingly at him.

But to be honest, I was more infuriated with myself than I was with him.

I was always proud of my technical skills and considered myself to be competent enough to solve any problem with my expertise.

Two years ago also, when Lucifer asked my help to search for her, I thought that it would be as easy as snapping my fingers. Though we didn't even have a single clue about her..her name, age, address, college, family, friends, workplace, nothing, I was confident that i will be able to find her.

I tried every means possible, to get anything, any lead, any pointer that could have led us to her but to no avail. I Checked and rechecked every security footage several times near the location Lucifer told me he met her, but could not find even a single trace of her. All the footage were corrupted and that was when my overconfidence crashed upon me.

Never in my life; I failed in any of the missions Lucifer gave me, except for the two times, both of which involved his personal life. And I will never be able to forgive myself for these two failures. Never ever.

"I know. But the condition she was in when I found you think after seeing her like that, I would still be in my mind to just stand there; asking her about her name." he snapped at me with an exasperated voice but I could clearly hear the hidden remorse behind his words.

"What happened to her?" I asked remembering the wounds I saw on her.

"That is what I also want to know and I swear, whoever made her life miserable will pay ten folds. I will personally make sure of it" he said gritting his teeth and his voice filled with venom.

"And I will make sure that you will be able to grab his neck and achieve what you just promised. But for that we need to find that person and the way his information was concealed for the last two years, we will be needing some help for a head start." I said hoping that he understood my meaning of getting help and as always, he did understand what I wanted to say.

"I know, but I don't think she will be able to help any time soon. Judging by her condition, she was abused physically, and more than that, mentally and emotionally. And I can't pressurize her and make her relive those memories; just to get some information, no matter how important that may be."

"I understand. But without her help, we will be back to square one just like we were for that past two years." I tried to convince him.

"I know and trust me, I can't wait to get my hands on that person either. But for it to happen, I just can't force her to recall that hell, where she just escaped from. I will wait for her to heal, not only physically but also the mental and emotional scars. And for that I will give her all the time she needs, no matter how long it takes."

'I was shocked' would be an understatement for what I was feeling right now. I knew that Lucifer had feelings for her, but did not expect that those feelings were so deeply rooted in his heart.

"Fine. We will wait till she is ready to tell us things by herself." I said giving him a small smile which he returned with the small understanding smile of his own.

I stood up from the couch and started walking towards the door but just before I unlocked the door, I paused and turned back, facing Lucifer.

"Lucifer" I called him and he glanced up to me.

"I will wait as long as you say, and I know it will not ever happen, but still I want to make it crystal clear. If from this moment onwards; my little baby sister is hurt, even if it's just a scratch and I find out that you caused her that me.. brother or not..I will kill you." I firmly told him, motioning upwards towards his room, with no trace of humor.

He furrowed his eyebrows but realizing that I meant each and every word I said, he gave me a understanding nod.

"Fair enough." was all Lucifer said, but the sincerity present in his voice was more than enough, as it was all I wanted to hear.


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