Chapter 20 "Jasper"

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Angela's P.O.V

Sometimes, even the small things in life that seem insignificant can give the amount of happiness and contentment, that no big and seemingly important things can provide. At this moment, sitting comfortably on the couch and watching the people on the street, the trees planted on the sides, even the sky that radiated the gleam of the bright sun was filling my heart with the happiness that I have long lost the hope for.

I folded my legs up on the couch and wrapped my arms around them, while bending my head a bit down and leaning it on my knees. I didn't even notice and unknowingly I kept staring at the bird that was chirping on the branch of the tree just opposite to the pavement on the side of the road. 

She was constantly moving her head in all directions as if looking for any possible danger and suddenly a thought crossed my mind. If I would have not met Lucifer when I escaped from that hell, what would have been my life like, that is, if I would have been able to survive on my own, alone. 

And even if I would have been able to survive, I would also have been just like this bird, constantly on edge looking out for any possible danger lurking around, dangers that might not be visible but are always ready to ambush. Dangers that not only destroy your body but also your soul and your wish to live. 

But meeting Lucifer has made my dead soul want to live again. He makes me feel safe. He makes me feel hopeful..hopeful to live again, hopeful to dream again. Involuntarily, a smile made its way on my face and I closed my eyes trying to bask in the emotions, that were overwhelming me.

I must have lost the track of time because when I opened my eyes, the sun was shining much more brightly than it was before and the roads that were filled to the brim with people were now more vacant. I looked at my wristwatch which Lucifer bought for me a few days back along with the other things. Around three hours had passed by since he went to the meeting.

I instinctively looked up towards the door and then to Lucifer's chair, an indescribable hope to see him and his assuring smile, blooming inside my heart on its own accord. But Lucifer was nowhere to be seen, unknowingly causing a pang of disappointment to swirl inside me.

My throat felt dry so I looked for some water in the room to drink, but not finding any water, I tried to ignore my thirst. Though Lucifer told me to call Olivia for if i need anything, I didn't want to bother anyone just because I needed something. But when the thirst started to become unbearable, I was left with no other option but to ask Olivia for help.

I hesitantly moved outside the room but Olivia was not on her desk. I stood at the door waiting for her but when even after a few minutes she still didn't return to her desk, having no other choice I decided to look myself, for some water to drink.

Not knowing where to go, I moved to the elevator in the hope of finding the cafeteria on any of the floors. I just wish that my search could end real soon. I closed my eyes, released a heavy breath and stepped inside the elevator.

I randomly pressed the button to two floors down the floor I was on, and waited impatiently as the elevator moved downwards while continuously twiddling with my fingers. On reaching the floor, all my courage that I was still trying to gather seemed to flush out of me when; as soon as the door of the elevator opened, I saw the numerous people on that floor. 

Some were sitting on their respective desks doing their work while others were walking to and fro from desk to desk with files and papers in their hands. I took a deep breath in the hope for my thumping heart to calm down. 

'It's okay, I just need to get the water and return back.' I chanted to myself.

As soon as I stepped out of the elevator, all the chanting and the courage I was trying to muster up instantly got replaced with panic that started to rise in me on the mere thought of interacting with people. I suddenly wished I never stepped outside the room without Lucifer by my side.

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