Chapter 48 "I Wish You Were Here"

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Lucifer's P.O.V

"The junior doctor here can take care of her wound Mr. Knight. It's just a scratch. Please let me tend to your wound first. Its much more severe." The doctor insisted for the second time.

"I don't recall asking for your opinion doctor. Stitch her up real carefully, because you very well know that if she as much as even wince, it can cost you your life. Don't you?" I ordered him in a low yet threatening voice.

"But what the doctor is saying is right Lucifer. Your wound is bleeding s-" suddenly my angel who was quiet since the shooting till now, tried to convince me too, but halted abruptly in between, as soon as I glared at her.

The worry and concern that were bubbling inside me had already been transformed into anger and I didn't want to say anything to her in heat of the moment, which I know I would deeply regret later.

I didn't want to scare her, or behave with her like I was right now, but the incident today got me on the edge. 

Everything seemed out of control, making me utterly helpless. 

I pretty much had an idea of what would happen, but seeing my angel get hurt and that too in my presence just broke the last thread of sanity I was holding.

Being in the scenario, where the delay of just a single minute would have caused the loss of my angel, broke all the walls of precautions I took so far, as to hide my real identity from her.

I not only threatened the doctor, but also killed every single man that attacked her, in front of her eyes.

But to be honest I was not at all regretful. I know that if this happens again, I will not hesitate for a single second and will again do the same thing. I will again kill every last person who will try to harm her, without any remorse.

"But Lu-" she tried again, but was cut off again by me.

"You can say whatever you want to, when we have a talk later, and trust me.. we definitely will! But till then you just need to get treated and take rest." not being able to control myself anymore, I snapped, and the anger that I was trying so hard to control made itself known.

"Enough Lucifer. Just go out and get your wound treated. There's no need to scare her more than she already is." Asher who was till now just standing, leaning by the door and being a mute spectator, suddenly stepped inside the room and said firmly.

"Not until she gets stitched! If you both want me treated so badly, the junior doctor can treat my wound here itself, but I am not leaving her side!" I declared stubbornly.

"Its not a simple cut wound we are talking about. You have a bullet shot in your arm and I don't think you want her to witness the pain you will bear while getting treated. Do you?" Asher moved close to my ears and whispered.

Though he didn't say it out loud, but the concern and nervousness he was feeling not only for angel but also for me, was clear in his voice. 

And no matter how much I want to deny, argue and be stubborn anyway, but I very well knew that whatever he said was right to the T.

"Fine, I'll be in the office downstairs and have my wound treated, but-" I said after a defeated sigh, but was cut off by Asher.

"I'll be here and make sure the doctor treats her perfectly, without any pain." he completed what I was about to say.

I looked at my angel who was looking at me with countless unsaid emotions in her eyes..emotions I knew I would have to deal with later, but concurring with what Asher said, I tuned back to move out of the room.

Sometimes I feel really envious of how he could keep his calm and think logically even at times like this.

But what irked me more was the fact that not only he could keep his cool and reasoning right now, but he was the only person apart from my angel who had the power to make me agree and obey to whatever he said.

"I hate you!" I said, extremely annoyed at him.

"I know. Now get out of here and get your wound treated." he replied with a soft chuckle, annoying me even more.

Urghhh! I really hate him!

"Here." The doctor handed me my medicines after finally pulling the bullet out and bandaging my arm.

"Calm down Mr Knight. The doctor up there is quite competent. Ma-" After a pause, the doctor started his attempt to comfort me, but was cut off by me in the middle.

"I must have been treating you really nice recently.. ain't I doc?" I said in a low tone, without distracting my gaze from the clock on the table.

"Huh?" as expected, he stood there dumbfounded.

"I don't do pep talks, doc. Leave." no matter his intentions, the only thing that could comfort me right now was the confirmation that my angel was well and not in any sort of pain. And the time that was passing, was not helping in any ways either.

"I am sorry Mr. Knight. Please excuse me and call me if you need anything." the doctor said timidly and hurried out of the office.

As soon as he left, I subconsciously picked up Cali's photo that was placed on the desk and traced my fingers on her features.

"She will understand me..won't she Cali?" I asked, but the fear of the probable reaction of my angel, caused my voice to be nothing more than a whisper.

"I wish you were here.. telling me not to worry. Telling me that she will understand me. Telling me that I will not lose her. I wish.." I closed my eyes and muttered under my breath, while resting my head against the photo frame.

"I miss you.. I really miss you Cali!" The truth paved it's way through my lips.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulders and even in the silence that followed, I could hear the unsaid words that I needed the most at that moment.

"How is she?" I asked after a few minutes.

"Just as stubborn as you!" Asher chuckled softly.

Unable to grasp his random answer, I tilted my head and looked at him perplexed, but just a glance at him and the small relieved smile on his face was enough to make me sigh in relief.

"Here.." he suddenly tossed a shirt at me, again making me confused.

"As soon as the doctor stitched up her wound, she insisted on coming down here to see you. I was barely able to convince her to take some rest and meet you after some time, but as scared as she was after seeing your wound, I can bet that she will definitely not heed to my advice." he explained with a soft chuckle at the end.

"So better change your shirt to prevent her from seeing anymore of.. this." he pointed towards the dried blood on my shirt.

I immediately complied to what he said and started to change, when he suddenly called out my name.


"Hmm" I hummed without looking at him, fully engrossed in my attempt to wear the shirt with my injured arm.

"I miss her too!" he said, but his voice alone was enough to let me know how hard this all was for him too.

I instantly looked at him and as expected he too was tracing his fingers on Cali's photo, trying to seek comfort from it, just like me!  


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And please do tell me what you think of this chapter. Your views mean a lot to me. 

Love you all! Enjoy reading!

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