Chapter 43 "Just Like A Family"

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Lucifer's P.O.V

"Dinner's ready!" Angel shouted from the kitchen just when I was finished setting up the table.

Though I insisted on helping her a numerous times, she flatly refused, quoting she wanted to do it for us, and while I in this 'us' was busy setting the table, the other person in this 'us'.. Asher was just sitting on table, doing nothing but holding a spoon and constantly looking towards the kitchen with an anticipatory grin plastered on his face.

"I have never looked forward to eat a meal as much as I did today!" he exclaimed excitedly, as soon as angel sat the pot on the table.

In all honesty, I too have never been this excited to eat a meal. I immediately stretched out my hand to grab the lid and curb my anticipation, but Asher beat me to it.

"Are you sure this is..edible!?" He asked, hesitant in the end, but the teasing in his voice was clearly overlapping the hesitation.

"Well if you ignore the part where it's a little burnt...I guess it is." Angel replied sheepishly while scratching the back of her neck, causing a soft chuckle to escape my lips.

"Ohh! But there's broccoli in it!" He looked towards me.

What's wrong with him today? Why can't he just stuff his mouth already, like every time he did earlier, and eat in silence. 

I instantly kicked him under the table and gave him a glare which was thankfully enough to shut his mouth.

"Ahh..this is my favorite green and Lucifer loves it too. And it seemed you also liked it as you mostly ordered it as a topping for your pizza." she chimed.

"Ohh yes..I like it and Lucifer loves it..isn't is Lucifer? He teased.


"Yes I do!..Now shut up and eat." I stuffed a spoonful in his mouth to prevent him from blabbering anything unwanted.

"Ohh..I forgot to tell you both that I will not be coming back home with Asher tomorrow. And I  probably will be late too." she suddenly bombarded the information out of nowhere.

"What? Why?" Asher asked, clearly flustered.

"I am getting my first salary tomorrow and it's the same for Geana as well, so she suggested that we should go celebrate tomorrow." she excitedly explained the situation.

"But-" Asher opened his mouth to object but I cut him off.

"Okay. But inform me when you leave the office premises, and promise me that you will not put your cellphone on silent mode and never let it be switched off." 

"You will pick my call, that is if I call..regardless of Geana's presence, and call me immediately if anything seems off..anything!" I said with a proud, content smile. After all it was the first time that instead of asking for my permission, she discussed her plans with me.

"But-" Asher tried to interrupt again, but this time was cut off by Angel.

"Done!" she beamed.

"Not done! You have to at least let me accompany you." Asher argued. 

"But why?" she crossed her arms and questioned with a pouted face. 

"Geana knows about me, so I don't see a problem in it" he tried to reason.

 "I am not a kid." she whined.

"You are a kid to kid sister! I will not let you go alone." he argued again, with finality in his voice.

"Lucifer..." she instantly turned to me and whined like a kid.

It was really hard for me to hide the chuckle that threatened to escape my lips, but I still managed somehow and assured her.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of him." I said with a smile.

"Thanks." she stuck out her tongue at Asher and immediately bounced off to our room, without giving him even a chance to retaliate.

Asher was about to object again, but before he could make a fuss, I grabbed his hand and shook my head, signaling him to stop.

"Fine..But you have to pick my calls too, because rest assured...I will definitely be calling." he shouted.

"Done!" she cheerfully shouted back without even halting her steps or looking back, and continued hopping up the stairs.

"What was that? How could you agree to her going alone. Ever since she came into our lives, she has never stepped a foot alone outside of this house. Sh-" As soon as angel was out of sight, Asher's anxiety flooded out.

"And that's all the more reason why she should go alone." I cut him off only for me to get a perplexed look from Asher.

"Did you even see her today?" I asked, but seeing the confusion still stuck on his face, explained further.

"For the first time after she has recovered, she took her own decision instead of asking us for permitting her to do something. She wanted something and she was confident to at least try and get it."

"Instead of just listening to us and agreeing to whatever we say, she was comfortable enough with us to throw a tantrum and whine like a kid, just to get us agree to her wish...just like a family."

"She might not have said it and probably didn't even realize it herself, but for the first time she spoke to us with authority, with comfort, and propinquity...just like a family."

"But after what happened today in the office.." Asher hinted.

"I know..And that's the only thing I am worried about too." I confessed.

"But I don't think Andrei is stupid enough to make such a mistake. He doesn't even know our relation with her." I tried to assure him.

But deep down, after what happened today and the way Andrei picked up the fact that I mistakenly called my angel by her name, it was more of a reassurance and convincing for my heart.

"I don't want to lose my sister again!" Asher said out of the blue, with countless unsaid emotions bursting in his voice.

"You will not..Trust me!" I assured him.

"I will not lose my family again!" I completed after a pause.

"But that doesn't mean we will rip off her happiness and her chance to a normal life.. just because our lives are messed up. We might have come far ahead from our chance to live a happy and normal life, but I will make sure that she gets to live it." I said determined to fulfill my promise I made to her as well as myself.

"And this might be the first step!" I hoped with all my heart. 


Hello my lovely readers. I am really thankful to all of you who read and love my novel. Please like, vote and comment. 

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Love you all! Enjoy Reading!

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