Chapter 54 "The Thing You Thought Right"

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Asher's P.O.V

"Kiddo.." Getting on my knees, I cupped her face and gently lifted it, while wiping off the tear that stained her face.

"Ahhh. I am so relieved!" I released a relieved breath but not before an involuntary chuckle, that escaped my lips seeing her innocent doe eyes full of bemusement, gazing at me.

"Silly! Do you even have an idea how worried both me and Lucifer were?" I stated the fact.

Though I wanted to contain the smile on my face so as not to make her feel offended, but the relief that was currently flooding inside me was overwhelming to the point that despite all my efforts, a chuckle again escaped my lips, while the joy I was feeling, declared itself not only through my grin but also through the sparkle that lit my eyes.

"Out of every thought that's worrying you.. you only got one thing right!" I started to tell her the truth in hope to assure and comfort her, but even before I could finish, her eyes started to tear up again.

"No. It's definitely not what you are thinking!" judging by the way her insecurities started to resurface in her eyes, I knew that she straight away went to the worst assumption. So I immediately corrected her firmly.

"Kiddo..listen to me! I understand what you are feeling right now. I do.. But trust me. Be it me or Lucifer.. we never considered you a burden or a liability, nor we ever will. You are our family. And a person never gets tired of taking care of his family, no matter how much baggage they have!" I reassured her with a smile, while firmly yet comfortably grasping both of her hands in mine.

"But.." she started to say but I immediately cut her off.

"You are afraid that Lucifer might be confusing sympathy with love, but that's only because you don't even know how Lucifer was; before he met you." I said, carefully weighing every word that I spoke.

I will never lie to her, that's a given, but I also knew that every word that I was saying could either make, or mess up the future of the only two people that were important in my life.

"You have always seen a loving, caring, and compassionate Lucifer who never even raises his voice while he speaks.." I paused and looked into her eyes.

A strange sense of pride and happiness filled inside me as I saw the look of acknowledgment in her eyes for each and every word that I spoke. No matter if she mistook them to be Lucifer's immanent traits, but she did feel them.

A silent chuckle escaped my lips subconsciously at the thought, but at the same time, it scared me as I didn't know how would she react to what I was about to tell her.

"..but Lucifer was not always like this. He never showed compassion towards anyone. He never laughed or even smiled. He didn't care, not even for himself.. let alone for others. All he did was survive!" I told her the truth that she rightfully deserved to know.

"You made him live!" I stated firmly, while gently squeezing her fists with mine.

"A man who always made a fuss and got grumpy over getting up early his entire life, suddenly changed into an early riser, just so that he can make your favorite breakfast all by himself. A man who hated anyone invading his space, his house, readily brought you here."

"He was someone who didn't bother or even flinch, even if someone would die in front of him. But when it comes to you.. he gets all worked up and anxious, if you get as much as a scratch."

"He was someone who never cared about what people thought of him, but he cares deeply about the image you form of him. You saw what he did to those men who shot you that day.. but I saw the hesitation he had, just because you were watching him!" I paused and looked into her eyes, fearing to see any signs of disgust or hatred, but all I could see was whole-hearted, unflinching trust, so I continued.

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