Chapter 15 "Giggles"

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Lucifer's P.O.V

'Stupid! Idiot! Moron!'

Groaning inwardly at my idiocy, I mentally face palmed myself and looked at Asher thinking that he might be of any help. But that idiot but just gave me a wink, mouthing "clear you own mess", barely able to control his laughter.

I so want to punch hard at his face, but restrained myself from doing so in front of my angel.

I kept looking anywhere but her, and cleared my throat trying to gain some time to think of something to cover up what I just blurted out, but was clearly failing at it as nothing came to my mind.

I wonder how all the ideas that usually swarm our brains, go on a strike every time, at the most crucial moments when we need them the most.

"I..I..meant..I mean...What I meant was.." I trailed not being able to form anything coherent, in hope that something, anything would pop up in my mind and cover up my idiocy.

Thankfully Asher interrupted, helping me out. I blew a breath I didn't know I was holding, in relief, looking down.

Punching his face can wait..for now.

"Hey lil' sis. We went to shop and got a few things for you. I wish you were there too, but that's okay. There's always a next time, and trust me, we are going to have a blast whenever that 'next time' happens".

He grinned and ran to door where he dropped the bags, grabbed all of them and came back running eagerly, sitting closely next to her. He rummaged through the bags and finally took out the cell phone we bought for my angel.

"Hey. I chose this cell phone for you. You like it..don't you." He was tremendously enthusiastic and looked like an elementary grader showing the award he won at a school competition to his mom, wanting to be praised by her.

And my angel nodded just like I knew she would, for the benevolent person she is, obviously not wanting to disappoint the grown up child in front of her.

"I knew it. I knew you would like it. I have already saved Lucifer's and my contact number and set them on speed dials and also downloaded some games for you." He excitedly began to explain the features of the phone to her, grinning from ear to ear.

"We also got some clothes and a few movie drives for you. If you want, we can go arrange them in the bedroom now or we can eat something first and then get the things arranged." I interrupted.

Seeing them so engrossed in their conversation, well technically it was more of a monologue, but still, my angel's full attention was currently on that idiot and knowing Asher, if he were to have his way, he would never spare me even a single minute to let me talk to my angel.

I chuckled as I could have never imagined that one day I would be jealous of this idiot.

My angel just nodded and whispered "Okay", but I was still happy, as now her attention was on me and not on that stupid Asher.

Grinning internally, I gave Asher a winning look and started to move towards the stairs with the bags, my angel standing up to follow me upstairs.

Finally I can spend some time with my angel in peace without the annoying interruption by him. A winning smile made its way on my lips but unfortunately was not able to stay for long.

"Can we have some food first. I am feeling really hungry." Asher whined, but I could clearly see the glint of mischief in his eyes.

Yeah right! How could he give up so easily and let me have my share of win and peace.

Knowing that I could nothing to him, at least not in front of my angel, I helplessly rolled my eyes at his antics.

"When are you not?" I scoffed.

"Are you done grumpy pants? Hey kiddo. You are also hungry. Aren't you?" he asked my angel after sticking out his tongue at me.

At times, I wonder whether he is asking something because he genuinely wants to know about it, or he only tactfully twists his way of questioning in such a way; that people would just accept what he wants them to accept, on their own accord.

I can bet my angel was also definitely feeling the same thing. Her eyes constantly wandered back and forth, between me and Asher and she looked dumbfounded and too confused as to what to answer.

She looked so cute with those doe eyes and it looked as if she forgot to blink. She just nodded slightly at Asher, clearly not wanting to hurt his feelings.

"Great! So I will quickly order us three large pizzas with loads of cheese and vegetables and tons of meat." He took out his cell phone excitedly, and without wasting another second, started dialing the number for delivery.

"Hey! Pizza is not a healthy dish and the doctor clearly instructed angel to have proper healthy meals to regain her strength." I slapped hard at the back of his head.

"Who said that pizza is not healthy? Pizza is extremely healthy. It has lots of carbohydrates in the crust and loads of nutrients, fat, protein and vitamins provided by the cheese, veggies, and meat. is the best!" Asher almost screamed, eager to make his point.

Well aware that Asher was completely hopeless, I turned to my angel "Hey angel. What do you want to eat?"

After a few minutes of looking between me and Asher, she whispered "Pizza".

And I immediately knew where it came from when I saw Asher mouthing 'pizza' at her, and fist pumping from behind her when she sweetly agreed to his demand.

That's it! No one is allowed to take advantage of my angel's kindness.

I took my shoe off and threw it at Asher with full force. I smirked knowing that I never miss my aim and as expected, my shoe hit Asher straight on his head.

"Oww! What was that for?" he whined rubbing his head with his hand.

"I asked angel HER choice.. not yours!"

"But she said she likes pizza and wants it to eat now. Hasn't she? Lil' sis, you want to eat pizza right now..isn't it?" He turned towards her, giving the best puppy eyed look he could have managed.

And my angel being the ever so kind person, again nodded in agreement, after a few good minutes of silence.

I face palmed myself and immediately took off my another shoe, only to throw at Asher again.

"Oww!" he grumbled again.

Good. He deserves it.

But then suddenly, a sound hit my ears which was so unexpected yet so desired. The sound felt like a lot of birds were chirping happily in the woods. The sound could easily calm and relax any anxiety and palliate any pain.

I snapped my head immediately towards the sound, the sound of my angel giggling at my and Asher's banter.

Though it was not the full heartfelt laugh, but it was still a sign that we were moving in the right direction. It was a sign that she was starting to feel comfortable and with enough time and patience she could again be the same happy and cheerful person she once was!


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