Chapter 41 "Facing The Inevitable"

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Lucifer's P.O.V

"Why are you here Dolivo?" I gritted angrily through my teeth.

"Oo..Come on Knight! That's no way to greet your friend!" Andrei said lazily with a smirk, fully aware that his mere presence was enough to irk me.

"Ohh, cut it out Dolivo! You and I both know that we can never be friends." My hands instinctively balled into tight fists, as I emphasized on each word.

Andrei Dolivo was the leader of the second largest mafia and unfortunately the nephew of Aloyoshenka Dolivo, the only person whom I respect, despite of the fact; that he was my father's closest friend and business partner.

"We were once friends though!" He countered.

"That was before you started dealing in human trafficking." I said in a disgusted tone.

Though I too am no saint and lead the world's largest and strongest mafia organization myself, I still have my limits. Human trafficking, prostitution and supplying drugs to the minors is something that disgusts me, and Andrei knew it extremely well too.

"Ohh come on Knight! It's only fair for a man to expand his business to earn a living!" he said with an irritating smug smile plastered on his face, while sliding a file placed in front of him at the table; towards me.

"What's this?" Asher asked picking up the file and flipping through it's contents.

"Ohh! I forgot that the dog was still in the cabin!" I had an idea that Andrei always scorned Asher and looked down on him, but Asher's insult was something that I can never ever ignore, not even in the slightest. Anyone who me knew this fact too, but here he was daring to insult Asher, and that too in front of me.

"Don't yo-" I started to warn him, but was immediately cut off by Asher.

"Be careful Mr. Dolivo. This dog bites too!" Unbothered by his insult, Asher said mockingly without even sparing a glance towards him.

"You really are a stubborn one. Aren't you Mr. Dolivo? How many times have we refused, but here you are, still wanting to make a truce without changing the terms and conditions!" Asher said, closing the file and placing it in front of me.

"I wasn't talki-" Andrei started to say, anger clearly surfacing in his voice, but before he could finish I cut him off, showing him his place.

"I dare you to insult Asher one more time Dolivo, and I swear you will not be able to speak even a single syllable for your entire life." I warned him as I instantly stood up from my chair and grabbed him by his neck, pinning him against the back of the chair he was sitting on; without sparing him even a single minute to react.

"Easy man! You don't want a war to break loose. Do you?" Andrei lifted both his hands up in surrender and said in a hoarse voice that seemed full of confidence, but I could easily hear the panic and fear masked by his words and accompanying weak smirk.

Though we both were leading rival mafias and our ideologies about running our businesses were completely opposite to each other, I tried to avoid any unnecessary violence between us, and Andrei knew it well. 

But he was highly mistaken if he thought that the reason for me being this way with him, was because I was afraid of any war.

"Are you really that naive Dolivo? I am not leading the world's biggest mafia for no reason! Just dare to insult him one more time and I will kill you right this instant..war or no war! I don't care!" I leaned forward near his ear and declared in a low deathly voice, my grip on his throat getting tighter with each word.

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