Chapter 55 "The Anticipatory Fear is Killing Me"

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Lucifer's P.O.V

"You told her what!?" I yelled in panic, as I just couldn't believe that amongst everything that was already messed up, Asher told her about us being the mafia.

"That you are the leader of the world's biggest and strongest mafia, of which I am a part too." he said in a seemingly casual tone.

I knew that just to lessen my anxiety, he was trying to sound calm.. as if he was not at all bothered by the revelation, not even a bit. But how could I, when I could clearly hear the hidden fear in his voice, which he was trying so hard to conceal.

"Will she understand?" I voiced my fear, after a pause.

My heart felt like it could sink any minute and the pause that he took to answer made the feeling even worse.

"I don't know.. but I am sure that she will at least give us a chance and hear us out." he replied. But though hope was clear in his voice, the tiniest bit of uncertainty that tried to peek through that hope was also unmissable.

"It's jus-" before I could continue further, I was interrupted by a sudden ring that echoed through my angel's room.

"Lucifer Knight-" Already anxious by the fear that the anticipation of my angel's probable response was causing, I picked up the receiver but could not speak anything except my name, as the panic-filled voice of the person on the other side of the call entered my ears.

Though on any other occasion I would have felt irritated by the stumbling voice on the call, but on hearing the name of the person, I blew a deep breath and calmed myself so as to try my best to not intimidate her.

"H-hello Mr. Knight. G-Geana this side. I-I am really s-sorry to disturb y-you but I didn't know that y-you would p-pick up the call." she started blabbering fearfully.

"It's okay Geana. What's the call for?"

She is my angel's only friend. I should be nice to her. I reminded myself as I responded in the most non-intimidating voice that I could manage.

"Angela called me a few minutes ago and t-told me that she would n-not be able to come to the office today.." Geana sounded a bit more confident.

"Today too.." I subconsciously mumbled to myself, but probably was heard by her.

"But she said that she mailed a formal leave application to you." she quickly defended her friend, probably afraid of the consequences she thought my angle had to face for not following the company rules, obviously unaware of what position 'her friend' held in my life.

A small smile subconsciously formed on my face at the mere thought of my angel.

"It's fine Geana. I read the mail already." I lied in a soft voice, completely aware that there was no such mail.

"But why did you call my office then, when you obviously knew that she was not here?" I asked.

"Ohh.. I am so s-sorry Mr. Knight. Angela told me to r-remind you about the meeting that is s-scheduled in half an hour.

"Hmm.." unable to cope up with the indescribable mix of feelings that burst inside me, I just hummed in response and immediately cut the call.

"What happened? What did she say that made you this sulky all of a sudden?" Asher asked in a concerned voice.

"Angel called Geana and asked her to remind me about the meeting scheduled for today." I told him, but the gloominess that I was feeling, mirrored in my voice making it nothing more than a whisper.

"But what's the problem in that? He asked confused by my emotions which I knew he could sense.

"It's been three days Asher and I could not even see her once, let alone hear her voice."

"Three days ago, no matter how angry she was with me, she at least came to the office. Even though it was just work-related, but I could see her, hear her voice."

"But now, she doesn't want to talk to me, not even for work-related things." I told him but could not hide the uncontrollable gloom that lined my low voice.

"What-? He started to voice his confusion but already aware about it, I cut him off in the middle to clarify.

"She could have called me and told me directly about the meeting, but she preferred calling Geana. I thought that till the time she understands why I am; the way I am, I could at least meet her, talk to her, see her at the office, but she just doesn't want that too!" I didn't want to, but unconsciously with every word I said, my voice gradually became lower and weaker with fear and anticipation.

I knew that it was of no use as Asher was always somehow able to see through me, no matter how hard I tried.. but still not wanting to burden him with my vulnerable self, I hung my head low and held it with my hands without even realizing.

"But she called Geana! That's something to be happy about! Isn't it? Even amidst everything that's going on, she still remembered the meeting that she knew is important for you and your company. She still thought for you..cared for you!" He chirped with a glint of hope in his eyes.

Even with my head down and eyes closed, a soft chuckle subconsciously escaped my lips at his hopefulness and buoyancy.

I really sometimes wonder about the source of his cheerfulness and optimism, which he manages to gather even in the worst situations.

Just a few moments ago, the fear that I might lose my angel..that she might not want to be in my life was killing me, but the confidence in his voice was enough to make my heart at ease. I looked at him and could feel the confidence that not only was in his voice, but also in the smile that somehow made him look like he was trying to conceal a sanguine secret, like he knew something which I didn't.

And as always, he knew that I could sense his secretive smile, without the need of even a word of probing from me, which I would have never done anyways, but still..

"Hurry up! Your 'two favorite people' on this planet are going to be here any moment can't be late!" He immediately teased with a wink, so as to divert my attention and darted towards the door in a flash with a grin on his face.

Urgghh! I was almost emotional and grateful for having him in my life, but after the mention of 'those two'.. definitely not anymore!

I rolled my eyes at his antics and unconsciously a laugh followed for the first time during the day, but it was immediately replaced by a heartfelt smile by his next words.

"Don't worry! Everything is going to be fine!" he peeked through the door and said with an assuring smile.


Hello my lovely readers. I am so sorry for the delayed update but I hope you will continue to love and support my novel as always.

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Love you all! Enjoy reading!

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