The person, of course, didn't shove him half as hard as a petty theif, but Peter fell anyways pretending to be weaker than flash. The bully in question was laughing at the boy who fell a book and will no doubt have a bruise on his shoulder.

"Hey Penis. Happy orphanniversary." Flash taunted. "How's it feel to know your parents died to get away from you?" Flash's friend Felix taunted. Peter stayed silent. "Are you gonna cry to your mommy? Oh wait, she's six feet under in a pile of ashes." Flash's girlfriend Nicole taunted.

Peter had to try his hardest not to cry. Flash didn't like that Peter was ignoring him and picked him up by the collar ready to punch him, but the bell rang indicating they had to be in class. "Saved by the bell." Flash sneered throwing him back to the ground. "Stupid orphan." Felix muttered.

They all left him in the hallway to pick himself up. He was 5 minutes late to class but Mr.Schmidt, his arithmatics teacher, knew what today was and went easy on the kid. Mr.Schmidt knew he had been under a lot of stress with Ned and MJ moving away recently so he didn't push him.

Peter's day was only down hill from there. People picked with him all day, teachers were ruthless, he failed a spanish test, he forgot his lunch at home and didn't have any money on him, and Flash and his friends had given him a bunch of scars throughout the day, both physical and mental.

He ended up skipping decathalon pratice and went back to his old house with the key only he had.

He had been best friends with Gwen and her dad was the chief of police and after they rid the house of the bodies and most of the blood he made sure nobody could buy it and gave only Peter a key. The new Chief even respected that after Gwen and Captain Stacey moved.

He walked in to the house that still had the same furniture from when he used to live there with his family. Everything was the exact way it was that night. Peter's clothes that his parents had set out for him were on the floor with his blood on it.

The couch that used to be white was now stained red. The blood splattered on the walls and ceiling and some in the carpet from where his parents were stabbed. He had been looking around reminiscing for some time.

Remembering when him and his parents got into a flour fight in the kitchen when they were supposed to be making cookies. Or the time his dad and him did the elephant toothpaste expirement in their backyard.

Or the time they slept by the fireplace on christmas eve, the very same spot his parents would be murdered months later. 

He couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed his stuff and left, locking the door on his way out. 

He wiped the few tears that were coming out of his eyes and made his way home. As he walked he checked to see if Ned and MJ had answered his text from monday. They hadn't. He sighed and put on a smile before walking into the tower.

He went up to the common floor to see everyone sprawled out. He was hoping they would all be busy so he could slip to his room. They noticed the boy and greeted him. "Hey Pete. How was school?" Bruce asked.

"It was good." Peter said. "I'm gonna go to my room." He said before anyone could say anything else. "But Peter, we're having the Mario Cart tournament today." Wanda said.

Peter shrugged. "You can do it without me." Everyone looked at him confused. "You've been asking for a rematch for months and today is the only day for another month that we're all free." Sam pointed out. Peter stood there thinking of how to get out of it when his phone rang. 

He looked at the caller ID and insisted he take it. "But Peter-""I have homework to do Tony. I'll come out if I finish it." Peter went to his room before anyone could protest. Everyone was dead silent. "He hasn't called me Tony since the adoption." Tony said. 

"I'm sure it's nothing babe." Steve said. "Friday pull up the footage in Peter's room." Tony said. "Brother Tony, do not invade the Man of Spiders privacy." Thor said. "He wouldn't call me Tony unless he was upset. Somethings wrong and he wont tell us. If you wanna leave, fine. But I will see what's wrong with My Kid." Tony demanded.

Nobody argued further as Friday pulled the footage up on the big screen and everyone turned their attention that way.

"Where were you today?" Wade asked on the phone with Peter, who had it on speaker. "I went straight to my house." Peter said. "Babe..." Wade whispered. "We were supposed to go together." 

"I know." Peter sighed. "I just...I don't know. I can't do shit right recently. It's like no matter how many times I screw up I can't learn my lesson." Peter said. Wade was silent for a moment. "Peter did you-"

"Yes. I took my anti-depressants." Peter assured. Wade sighed in relief. "What's bothering you then?" Wade asked. "Noth-" "Don't say nothing. I know you better than that." Wade insisted. Peter sighed.

"Well for starters I can't do shit right. My friends definetly hate me now." Peter said. "I'm sure Ned and MJ don't hate you." Wade said. "Yes they do! They won't answer a single one of my messages. My anxiety's sky high, I can't shake the feeling of being inadequate and things are even worse now that I'm Spider-Man." Peter ranted.

"Everyone see's me as this big role model and that's not what I wanted to be. I can't go outside because they press immediately get on my tail and I have to swing for hours to lose them because they all want to know who Spider-Man is under the mask.

I'm paranoid about my privacy, Wade. And when I do interviews they always ask for hints about what I look like and wondering how cute I am but I'm not cute. 

There is so much on me that I feel like I can't tell my family and I'll take it to the grave, which wont be a long time coming. I have a fucking date with death and I feel like I'm on house arrest until I have a trial date." Peter said. 

"Babe are you talking about killing yourself?" Wade asked. "Yes." Peter exasperatedly said. "And even if I don't I'll be a thousand fucking days older before I can fucking blink. And without school I'm just inside on social media reading all the stories about what a great, happy rolemodel Spider-Man must be." Peter ranted.

"I feel...I feel...I feel agoraphobic." Peter said. 

"Babe I need you to take a deep breath and think about this." Wade said. "What's the point?" Peter asked him. "I'm not okay." He said.

"But I need you to be okay. I went through the same thing you did. The same emotions. The same helpless feelings that come along with it." Wade said.

"And I hate to tell you this but it get's better. I know the generalized term sucks and it always comes with 'when will it get better' and it seems like the more people tell you the less better you are.

"But I promise you Peter. I will be here for every step, every tear, every panic attack, every fear, I'll help you through it." Wade said.

Peter sighed and looked at the camera. "I suppose you guys are going to say the same thing. I know your watching me, I can hear the echo of my voice from the common room." Peter said.

Tony had Friday move the camera in an up and down motion to let him know they were nodding and Peter sighed.

"This shit is fucking difficult."

Really hope that was good


Wrote it in a day

I will look through the K So chapter and the writers block has given me an idea chapter to see what I shall do next.

You guys enjoy your nights or mornings!

Depends on what time you read this and where you are in the world.



Ill spell check this laterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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