Book Two: I Can't Remember to Forget You

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Chapter One:

Time: Six Years Later.

Its been six years since the sparklings were kidnaped and turned against the autobots. Ironflame, Shadowmist, and Nightstorm have been in the warship for about six years not knowing the truth about where they're actually from or that they've been kidnapped. How could they have known when they were being fed lies about the autobots?

But they aren't sparklings anymore, they are now teenagers and the best that the decepticons have ever had.

Ironflame was walking the halls looking down at his data-pad. He was in training to be the next second in command after Starscream had abandoned the decepticon cause. Everyone on the decepticon warship didn't fear Ironflame, but they knew he was a great strategist. Ironflame was different from his other siblings he was more driven to be something greater than them.

While ShadowMist strove to be the best warrior and NightStorm strove to be the best inventor and medic, Flame strove to be the best strategist.

They usually never saw each other on the ship at the same time.

Megatron was true to his word when he said that he would make NightStorm's Life a living pit. Every chance Megatron got, he would look for NightStorm and rough him up or scare the living daylights out of him. NightStorm was the verge of becoming just like Starscream if that continued, but the difference between him and Starscream, is that Nightstorm won't let it happen.

Nightstorm is the medic/inventor of the decepticons. He has no friends and doesn't seem to mind it at all. He's lonely, but gets frequent visits from other vehicons or he gets a summons to show Megatron a new weapon he's been developing. Megatron usually never seems to like them, but there will be an occassion when he does and accepts it.

Shadowmist however has been hanging around Dreadwing a lot.

That was about it for the sibling trio. They had been taught to grow up and hate the autobots.

Nightstorm busied himself with cleaning his tools when Megatron came in glaring at him.

'Great...what did I do this time?'

"Why didn't you report down to the command deck with the rest of your siblings when I called?"

"I did not get that message, lord Megatron."

Megatron chuckled, "You mean to tell me that you did not receive the message?"

Nightstorm gulped, "No, sir...I did not...did you want me to go with them?"

Megatron then chuckled loudly, "No, no need, you failed in receiving the call so I sent Dreadwing with them. You will come with me."

He began leaving the room.

Nightstorm did not like what he thought was going to happen, he feared for his life when he was alone with their commander. Ever since he had been there when he was a pre-teen megatron seemed to hate him.

He followed Megatron to the flight deck, "Uh....lord Megatron I can't fly...I'm just a grounder...."

Megatron looked at him when Soundwave came upon the flight deck opening up a bridge to the particular place Megatron was heading.

Nightstorm groaned internally, "Soundwave if I don't survive this...please make sure my chemistry set goes to shockwave. Please." He said sadly as he walked through the groundbridge.

They arrived at a vegetated place, filled with flowers, plants, grass, and all other types of vegetation.

Megatron looked at him as he walked toward a cave leading him in, Nightstorm followed him reluctantly.

"You have failed to follow orders when they are given." Megatron simply said. "I have given you every chance I could give you this is your last chance to prove to me that you are loyal."

Nightstorm looked at him, "Of course I'm loyal....why wouldn't I wouldn't kill off your only medic on the ship would you?" He questioned.

Megatron turned and looked at him, "Only if you weren't useful to me." he smirked when he heard car engines.

"Be ready, autobots are approaching."

Nightstorm nodded as he got into position. He may have been a foreign race-car type build, but he knew when to get down to business.

Angelfrost transformed with her arms locked and armed.

Knockout beside her had his saw and blaster on.

The other two autobots Optimus Prime and Bulkhead were with them.

"Where are my sparklings MEGATRON!!!!!!!" Angel snarled.

Megatron chuckled, "Somewhere you'll never find them, Nightstorm now!"

Nightstorm nodded getting on his hands and knees as he transformed into a Cyber-wolf charging after the autobots.

Optimus glared at megatron as he looked at the teen-spark coming after them.

"You've corrupted multiple bots. How many more will have to fall before this war is over?!"

"As many as I need in order to win this war!"

The teen-spark bit bulkhead's arm as he moved behind him.

Angelfrost charged at Megatron launching herself at his back as she dug her claws into his back.

Megatron shouted loudly as he tried to pry her off.

Nightstorm forgot about the big green mech, transforming, he shot at the back of the femmes leg.

Angelfrost yelped as she landed on the ground looking into the young mechs optics, her eyes widened then hardened as she thought, 'it couldn't be him.'

Megatron looked at the mech and transformed flying high into the air.

Nightstorm smirked, "Sayonara autobots." he saluted transforming as he drove off.

The autobots rounded back up as they looked at each other, "Megatron had a young cybertronian with him.....I thought they were all gone..."

Knockout looked at Optimus, " was NightRacer..., but why would he have the name Nightstorm....?"

Angel growled, "That wasn't NightRacer.....NightRacer wouldn't of attacked me."

"Only if he was brainwashed. Sweetspark...I think that was him. I'm sure of it."

Angel frowned, "But what if he wasn't....I...I want to find them so badly."

Knockout then replied, "I have an about we give you a holo-disk and you go to the Nemesis undercover..."

Angel grinned, "That's not a bad idea."

Location: Nemesis

Megatron grumbled to himself as Storm patched up the claw marks on his back, "That should do it sir."

"Good. You proved yourself, Don't do anything to sway my mind again."

He got up and left.

"Wouldn't dream of it."


Alright guys, I'm just combining the the books now. So, it'll be easier when I go back through and delete the other book. I've gotten much better in my writing technique and I have a lot of other plans... I'm very sorry for abandoning this story guys...I hope you all can forgive me. 
I had a lot of things going on at the time, my health got worse, (its still bad), and a lot of things started changing in my life. Anywho, thank you all for still supporting my works, Im also sorry I haven't answered all of your comments. 
Have a good night/day 11/13/2020 

A New Life A Transformers Prime FanFictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz