Chapter 2

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Knockout's P.O.V

As I was admiring AngelFrost, Starscream came in limping; he had a wing clutched in his servo. Breakdown immeadiatly went and helped him to a medical berth while I gathered the necessary tools to patch him up. I quickly asked him, " What happened?!?!" He looked up at me Pain written across his optics. I did pity the poor seeker I mean he's one of the only decepticons I know who gets treated like this. Yet why does Megatron keep him on? I thought about all these things while I tried to get Starscream to calm down and tell me what happened. He began to talk," I... got in the w...way of h...him when he was angry I didn't even do anything to him. That vehicon jumped out of the way and Megatron grabbed me instead... he tore off my wing." Angel walked over to him in a hushed whisper, ' It's ok knockout will fix you up.' Then she leaned down and whispered something to him. Well at least he calmed down enough for me to do my work.

Starscream is basically one of my regulars. Either Megatron brings him and orders me to fix him or Starscream just limps to med-bay. Every time I look over I find myself staring at Angel. Breakdown smirks at me when I look over at her. To tell you the truth i'm getting annoyed and breaks with all his smirking.  "Alright might want to stay here tonight and take a easy." He nodded. Angel came up next to me and asked very nervously, " Can you show me around the ship?" A smile formed on my faceplate. " Of course I'd love to show you around."

Breakdown's P.O.V

Knockout seriously needs to ask that femme out. It is sooo... obvious that he likes her. oh and the way Starscream looked at her earlier. Ha. she has those mechs wrapped around her little finger. Why are these mechs so clueless when it comes to femmes. Its like the moment they see a femme all their logic and sense goes out the window. That never happened to me on cybertron. Although there was one femme that I found intriguing. But she left the decepticons a long time ago and became a rogue. I just hope that Knockout wins the femme over. What don't look at me like that. He's my buddy and brother so i'm rooting for him. Anyway I have work to do. Ugh... Knocks you really need to pick up after yourself.

AngelFrost's P.O.V

So, Knockout's showing me around the Nemesis. He took me to the training room and for some reason it brought a smirk to my face-plate. He had dragged me out to the next destination he took me to the bridge where Megatron oversees the whole entire ship. It was really cool. Knockout introduced me to a couple of the decepticons.

Soundwave was cool and well quiet. the vehicons were kind of cool and sweet when they don't make wolf calls or cat calls. My stomach growls and I look down and I think knockout hears my stomach. He laughs a little at me. " What," I ask. " Your stomach growled. Are you hungry?", he asked me. " yeah now that you mention it I am." he then gently took my servo in his hand and took me to their break-room. A lot of the vehicons were in there I guess they come in here when they want a break. Knocks went and grabbed two cubes.

he set one in front of me and we both sat down. I picked up the cube and looked at it. It was a bright light blue type of liquid. He looked at me quizzically. " Have you ever had energon before?" I thought for a moment and shrugged my shoulders. " Of course," I lied.  I didn't want him to think I was completely stupid or something.

He had already finished his energon. I took sip from it. Knocks was erm is hot. his paintjob is flawless he's handsome, kind, gentlemanly. then I thought....NO...No you cannot be liking him you just met him. but he did rescue me and he looks at me differently maybe he thinks of me the same way. I had just finished the last drop of my energon. When he looked at me and smiled. I giggled and replied," What?" He then pointed to my mouth while saying back," you have an energon mustache."  embarrassed I quickly wiped my mouth and asked," Is it gone?"

" Yes it is and your cute when your nervous." huh where did that come from. " Uh...what?" He realized what he said and quickly recovered with " Uh nothing...nothing at all." I smiled on the inside. He looks cute when 'He's' nervous.

Knockout's P.O.V

Stupid... Stupid ... Stupid!!!! I yelled in my head. I cannot believe I said that to her out loud. I probably sounded like a fool. It's almost time to go back for recharging. " Hey you must be getting tired. There's an extra room in the med-bay if you want to stay there." She looked at me I could only imagine what she's thinking until she finally breaks the silence. " ok that'd be nice." I then got up and threw away the energon cubes and led her back to the med-bay. Breakdown must've turned in early. Starscream lays on the medical berth in recharge. he's somehow turned so he's on his stomach. and curled into a ball. how in the world he recharges like that I will have no idea. " Aww, he looks cute in recharge", replies Angel. she giggles. I then lead her to the spare berth-room. " Here you are. I know it isn't much but with a little bit of redecorating and it'll be you know home to you." Smiled at me and replied, " Thank you Knockout." She walked into the berth-room the automatic door closing behind her. Maybe breaks is right maybe I do have a little crush.

Angelfrost's P.O.V

Hmm... maybe tomorrow I could ask knocks to help decorate the room with me. I then go and get settled on the berth. Some how though I feel this is not right. And maybe I might not belong here. As I think about this I fall into recharge.

Author's note:

I Know I haven't updated and all that but here it is. its short sorry. in case you were wondering I will post chapter 3 either tomorrow or Saturday not sure. I hope you like it and should I continue? Vote/Comment please. - blackkitten1 have a good night/day.

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