Chapter 7

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Authors Note:

Ok I'm going to do something different here. This chapter is going to be in Starscream's P.O.V the night he went off the flight deck. Anyway Enjoy.

Let it Commence. :)

Starscream's P.O.V

I am so sick and tired of not being able to tell the one femme I love that I love her. The first time I laid my optics on her I just knew. But I was a decepticon and she an autobot. It could never work, or could it?

I walk onto the Flight Deck and I make sure no ones around. I see the shooting star and I make my wish. I hate having to cage my good side just because I'm a Decepticon. With this I take Flight.

I fly through the open sky doing areal loops and complex seeker moves.

General Narration:

Starscream doesn't know he's being watched from the ground. He's lost in his thoughts. Still doing his graceful areal moves. Meanwhile...

"Its Starscream!!",Shouts Bulkhead. He immediately charges his blasters. Arcee then follows suit, but she yells, "Wait!" "He's not attacking. He's not doing anything." Optimus who was standing nearby as well says, "Don't attack."

Starscream then finds a place to land and transforms. He walks to a nearby cave and sits there. Starscream still has no idea that the autobots have followed him. he hears a twig snap. He gets up quickly charging his missile launchers.

Arcee holds her arms up to show its just her. He raises them down a little. Still unsure if she's going to trick him then offline him. She walks closer. He also walks closer. "Hello Arcee." "Hello Starscream."

Starscream's P.O.V:

I hear a twig snap and I jump up thinking Megatron has somehow found me. I hate that mech. After what he did to my home. Even though I allowed it or somewhat allowed it. Ever since then I have truly regretted it. I see its Arcee and I lower my missiles. She starts walking closer. I to walk closer. "hello Arcee." "hello Starscream." there's no malice in her words.

Then again she still doesn't know it was I who killed her partner. Should I tell her. No this is the first time I have gotten to get closer to her. We were good friends before the war. But all that changed.

"So what are you doing out here all alone Starscream?"

"Oh you know getting away from the chaos of the warship."  She smirks then I see bumblebee, bulkhead, and optimus come forth. Are you kidding me. I see I'm trapped. I cant get away now. "Starscream do you surrender?" " I haven't even done anything!" I exclaim.

By this time all I want to do is high tail it out of here. "Why are you even out here then?" Bulkhead retorts. " I just came out here to get some air. I'm not going to try to cause trouble." I say a little annoyed.

I then get a com from... uh oh.. I shudder. It's from Megatron. They can basically hear it. ~Starscream where are you?!?!?!~  I look at the autobots then I put my servo up to my helm and reply, ~Just out for a flight. I'll be back to the warship in 10 minutes.~ I hear him grumble something.

I bring my servo down again. I then ask, " Am I allowed to leave or..." "Why did you even join the Decepticons Starscream you don't belong with them."  "You don't know me! You've already seen what I've done!!"

"Yes, and we've seen the pain written across optics when you do offline somebot." "Just let him leave," I hear Arcee say. They clear a path and I walk by Arcee and whisper, "I'm sorry about Cliffjumper." She grabs my servo as I try to leave.

"What do you mean? Starscream." I buck up my courage and tell her everything. She growls at me angrily and pins me to the ground. "WHY STARSCREAM...WHY!!!!!"

I reply nervously and gently, " I... I deserve whatever you want to do to me. Arcee I am so sorry."

Arcee's P.O.V

I don't know what had gotten into starscream, but when he told me what he did my instincts went into kill mode. I look into his optics when I have him pinned down. I see that he's truly sorry. I sigh. Cliffjumper wouldn't want me to kill him. All three of us were friends before the war and we chose sides. Cliff and I obviously chose the good side. But we never knew why starscream chose the Decepticon side.

I ease myself off of him and just shove him telling him to go. he looks back then transforms and takes off. "Arcee why..." "Bulkhead just don't... lets get back to base." I say while walking away. Optimus coms Ratchet and asks for a ground bridge.

At the Autobot Base

"Hey 'Cee," greets Jack. "Hey Jack." I reply back. I transform and ask, "Wanna go for a drive?" "Yeah, sure." He hops on and we drive out of base.

"Sooo... 'Cee you ok?" "Yes, I'm fine." "Your not a good liar." Really Jack really? "Nothing's wrong Jack drop it."

"Ok Arcee." We continue to drive when I see the familiar jet fly through the sky. I smile inwardly. "Hey Cee isn't that Starscream?" "Yes, but he wont come for us." "O...Ok."

Starscream's P.O.V

I do a couple more rounds before returning to the ship. I see my internal clock and see I'm five minutes late. Great. Punishment is insured for me. I walk to where I think Megatron would be. Yep the throne room. Why am I not surprised. "lord Megatron you called for me."

He gets up and circles me. He stops when he gets in front of me. "Starscream were you in a little scuffle with the autobots?" "No... Of course not."

"really then why do you have scratches all over you?" Better think of a good fib. "When I was flying I landed wrong." He just gives me a 'Are you serious... that's the best you got' face.

"I will not tolerate Lying aboard my ship." He says while grabbing my wing and bending it a little. I whimper.

He then proceeds to drag me off somewhere. I finally see where he's taking me. the brig.

He throws me in there. Shuts the door then says angrily, "If you don't want to tell me what really happened then you'll spend the night in this cell. I'll be back tomorrow night. This will continue until you tell the truth." He then continues, " I should just beat it out of you."

he then walks away and I'm left to my thoughts. This is new even for him. so I curl up and fall into recharge thinking. it'll be a long time before I tell him what happened.

Authors Note:

Its short I know. Its  a filler chapter of what starscream was talking about. Yes, I know Arcee is supposed to hate Starscream's guts, but bare with me. Their relationship is going to be kind of rocky.  I felt Starscream deserved someone.  Oh and I hope you like this chapter. Next, chapter will be up either Monday or Tuesday. have a good Day/Night!! Oh and thanks for all the comments and votes guys. :)


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