Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

~'~'~'~'~'~'~Dream~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~ Angel's P.O.V

I'm in a room. it looks oddly familiar, I turn and see a little kid. maybe its a kid. I don't know. all I know that she... if it is a she is unconscious her head is moving from side to side. I then see thrashing. Two men come into view and inject something into her arm. she stops moving all together. I then see another man enter the room his hair is completely white, and is styled as a buzz cut. " How is the patient fairing any progress in the project?" " Yes sir, she seems stable and what you requested should be complete in the next week or so." " Excellent." "Make sure she is ready in a week or else your off the project and i'll find someone else that is more adequate." I saw the other mans face he seemed frightened. That's when I was awoken by a voice replying my name over and over again. " Angel... Angel... Angelfrost..."

End dream

I wake up and see a silver mech peering down at me. Before I can speak. He puts his servo over my mouth. "Shhh... come on I want to show you something." I nod and get up from the berth. stretching I sneak out of the med-bay. I hear knockout snoring. I shook my helm. as I get out in the hall I see screamer. "What was it you wanted to show me Starscream." He simply said, "Follow me." So I follow him we get up to the flight deck and I turn to him and he smiles at me. " I don't suppose you have an aerial mode?"  " No I don't how do you obtain an aerial mode?" he looks at me for a moment before he himself transforms and replies, " Scan my jet form." I do as I'm told and scan him. I feel my form shift. though I don't have wings like his on my back at least I had an aerial mode. Starscream transformed again. "There." he then looked up at me and nervously smiled. "Do you want to go flying with me? I mean if you want to." I smiled and replied, " sure, but your going to have to teach me how to fly." he smiled at me and nodded he then replied, "First, you nee to transform. imagine yourself transforming, then take flight i'll be beside you the entire time." I nod and do what he tells me. I imagine myself transforming and it takes a couple of tries, but I finally manage to do it.

Once I transform I take off into the night sky. apparently starscream saw this and transformed and took off after me. I replied over the com link, "This is amazing!!!!" I heard Screamer laugh over the com link, "I'm glad you like it." I pulled up into the air doing aerial loops and transforming in mid- air then transforming back into my flight mode. it had been a couple of hours and the sun was coming out again. laughing we both head back to the Nemesis.

General Narration

When Starscream and Angelfrost landed they didn't notice the leader of the decepticons approach them. Angel was laughing and giggling while Screamer was laughing. "Starscream I had so much fun thank you", replied Angel. Screamer nodded. they were about to go into the ship when Megatron stepped out of the shadows. "Starscream I you shouldn't of been flying, Knockout didn't give you the ok to leave." starscream shuddered. Megatron then turned to Angel and you meet me in the bridge in 10 minutes." "Yes, sir."

Megatron began to walk away. Angel then looked at Starscream's face. she giggled and replied, "Starscream do you want me to walk you back to the med-bay?" " I...uh...sure." she laughed and walked down the halls. it took nearly 5 minutes to get to the med-bay. When they entered they found an agitated Knockout. "Hey Knocks!", replied Angel. he looked up and smiled that smile faded when he saw Starscream. "Starscream I swear you know not to leave the med-bay unless I give you the OK now get back on that medical berth so i can see what damage you did to yourself!!!" Starscream then scowled replying," I am not a sparkling do not treat me as one i'm a grown mech i can go flying if i want to." Knockout then brought out a needle. Starscream took one step back. Smirking knockout then said, " Well then if you are a grown mech then you wont mind getting your shot that you've been avoiding for awhile now?" Starscream was about to bolt out of the room when breakdown grabbed him and forced him on the berth. Starscream continued shouting out in cybertronian to let him go. "Honestly you're worse than a sparkling. Hold still. STARSCREAM I SAID HOLD STILL!!!!!!!!!" the seeker froze and allowed the medic to inject the shot.

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